At the same time, "Zhan Li Zheng Shi" finally passed the review and began to be screened on CCTV's eight sets of prime time.

The name of Yuwen Valley is the signboard. On the first day of the broadcast, everyone stood in front of the TV, excitedly waiting for the TV series to be released.

The opening chapter is a majestic scene of the imperial palace, with goose-feather-like snow falling one after another, while Qingliu’s loyal ministers were killed with sticks in the heavy snow. In the vast expanse of whiteness, the blood-red glaring eyes, and the handsome and handsome young man, dressed in a crimson official robe, stands on the spot. Under the plum blossoms in full bloom, look up at the sky.

The north wind howled, and the long hair fluttered from the ears and temples. The young man's cold eyes were full of sadness and anger, and finally turned into endless calm, indifference, and disappeared in the vast snow.

"Lord Liu!"

Liu Lanzhi turned her head quietly, her handsome face was as calm as before, Yiru didn't know what happened at all.

"The emperor called the cabinet into the palace to discuss matters."

Everything in the Zhanli years started from this day.

The history is almost orthodox, the court hall is calm on the surface and turbulent inside.

Emperor Zhanli is shrewd but keen on immortality. The eunuch has great power, but he is no match for the power of old Jia Ge.

As expected of a TV series directed by Yuwengu himself, the first episode is quite atmospheric, and it spreads out the contradictions of the entire TV series, instantly attracting a large number of viewers.


"Yeah, it's super impressive!"

"Everyone did a great job!"

"Of course, how many years have you been acting like Ruan Wucheng? They are all old actors!"

"Sure enough, the historical drama is still good-looking by the old drama bones!"

"I came to see my Palace of Xi!"

"It feels like my Xidian's acting skills have improved!"

"That's right, playing with the old drama bone is not inferior at all, but it's more than enough!"

"I, Xidian, are indeed the most handsome and handsome among them!!"

The howling of Aoao resounded through the Internet, but what Yuwengu cared about was the ratings.

CCTV, the best fight, the prime time, the best time, the joining of veteran actors, and Xia Xi, a newcomer with his own enthusiasm, made up this high-quality historical drama, and it is really soaring its ratings!

On the first day, two episodes were simulcast, and the ratings broke 23%! !

And it's only the first day!

According to past experience, the ratings will continue to rise!

Yuwen Valley is happy.

He picked up his phone, looked through the numbers on it, and finally called Xia Xi.

"Hey, director, what's the matter?"

Yuwengu thought for a while: "The ratings on the first day were 23%."

"Hey, that's great! This is all thanks to you, the director!"

Hearing Xia Xi's words, Yu Wengu couldn't help but smile: "Xiao Xi, are you going home for the Chinese New Year?"

"Well, we should go back."

"I want to meet your mother and thank her face to face."


Xia Xi rubbed her curly hair and completely let go of the review materials.

Does Yuwengu know his mother?

What's their relationship? ?


After hanging up the phone, Xia Xi blinked, thinking about it, maybe it was a friend or something.

She frowned, stopped thinking and concentrated on studying.

Soon, the final exam was ushered in.

Throughout the freshman year, all the students were shuffled and arranged to take exams in the same classroom.

When Xia Xi walked into the examination room, all the students were looking at her.

Although there are many glittering students in Imperial University, there is definitely only one artist like Xia Xi.

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