"There's another film from HLW, and I invite you to play the leading role."

Zhan Yu hooked her waist and brought her up: "Here in Hua Country, Fang Junru wants to continue to cooperate with you in "Golden Glaze". After all, in this TV series, your voice is the highest. F Country also I would like to invite you to make a literary film with historical themes, and let you play the Chinese people who traveled far away in the Tang Dynasty..."

Zhan Yu is used to chattering about work in front of Xia Xi.

"Well, take it, let's strictly select the international movies, and I won't accept all the movies about foreigners."

Zhan Yu hooked the corner of his mouth in satisfaction: "Okay, what about the Jinzhan Liulixu?"

"Director Fang is nice to me, and I really want to be a screenwriter for Huanmeng."

Zhan Yu nodded, that is to say, the sequel was filmed first, and then foreign films were filmed.


Xia Xi smiled and turned her head: "These are not the most anxious things."

"what is that?"

Xia Xi smiled brightly and confidently: "It was filmed by our Su family!"

She has said long ago that the Su Corporation wants to produce its own film, not only as an agent company, but also as a real film and television company!

Since she already has enough popularity, wouldn't it be better to direct and act on her own!

"Okay, I support you in everything!"

Seeing this, Xia Xi smiled, put her arms around Zhan Yu's neck, and tiptoed to give him a kiss.

"you are the best!"

Zhan Yu's hair was smoothed, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he was in a good mood all day long.

It didn't take long for the news that the filming of "Jinzhan Liuli continuation" was going to start spreading like wildfire. For Xia Xi to play the male lead, that is simply what everyone expected!

Originally, the first part was very good, but now the second part is even more exciting, okay?

On the other side, it was revealed that the Su family where Xia Xi was working for was going to direct and act in a movie. The leading male character was still Xia Xi, and the other actors were also artists under the Su family. Suddenly, there was another splash on the Internet.

"My God, are all members of the Su family involved?"

"I like Tao Yue the most!"

"I'm Su Zhena's fan!"

"I'm a fan of Rongfei!!"

"Hahaha, I like Dabei!"

"Mo Fan Mo Fan is my favorite!!"

There was a lot of clamor on Weibo, the movie hadn't even been filmed yet, and the artists under the Su Clan had already gained a lot of popularity.

Xia Xi smiled, and simply recruited people from the Su family, and began to prepare.

Since it is Su Shi who wants to make his own movie, of course Su Shi has to do it himself.

It was so easy to choose the script. For modern pure love movies, the filming location needs to be shuttled between the United States and China, and many foreign actors are indispensable.

Chen Nan found Xia Xi with some helplessness: "Young master, foreign actors are hard to find. Although there are domestic actors, they are not well-known enough. Your second male lead is a foreigner."

"It's easy to find!"

Xia Xi smiled slightly: "Is Adair popular enough?!"


Chen Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly thought of who Adair was.

Nima, the hottest little heavenly king in the world right now, and the future movie star! !

This heat is not only enough, this f*cking rhythm is about to explode! !

"No, no, young master...Adair?!!"

Chen Nan continued to exclaim, is it possible for a big name like Adair to come to China to act in an unknown movie? ?

"This is our first filming, we are not well-known, can they come?"

Xia Xi chuckled, dialed the number straightforwardly until the connection was made, and said in fluent English: "Hey Adair, you said you were going to China, when will you come?"

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