The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1930 Sponsored by local tyrants

Again? ?

Don't you want to see what it looks like? ?

Even a ferocious woman like the Black Widow was abused like this, no one else!

But the big words have already been uttered, Adversary's rules are Adversary's rules!

Everyone who joins the team has to PK, but this time it's the captain's person. If the whole team doesn't all abuse one side, he doesn't know how important the captain is to them!

So, don't say anything, just start beating!

So, one by one Adversary members, holding the heart of fighting to the death for the captain, rushed up to PK with Zhan Yu, and then one by one was blown away by Zhan Yu.

It wasn't until all members of Adversary were tortured that Zhan Yu let out a sigh of relief.

"I know you don't really want to trouble me, but you have told me how important she is to you. I swear, I will only love her in my life."

The "corpses" on the ground couldn't help but have red eyes after hearing this.

This man is so damn good!

Jimmy staggered up, walked in front of Zhan Yu, and stared at him fiercely: "Hey, boy, it's no use even if you can beat us, you just have to let us know that our captain was bullied by you, we I swear on the reputation of Adversary, absolutely, I will kill you!"


The black widow wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth: "Every corner of the world will kill you!"

The captain has already left them once, and that time was unforgettable and painful, so since the captain is still alive, no matter how she lives, as long as she still exists, no one or anything in this world can hurt her! !

"Don't worry, I will only spoil her!"

Zhan Yu was not angry, on the contrary he felt lucky.

Adversary made many people feel scared, but it is such a good team, I can only say that Xiao Xi led it well!

"Hey, you drive patty, why don't you call me?"

A lazy and dangerous voice sounded from behind everyone, and everyone in Adversary was startled, subconsciously turning around.

The blond man led his men and walked slowly with one hand in his pocket. When passing by Xia Xi, Caesar bent down respectfully, grabbed Xia Xi's slender fingers, and wanted to press a kiss on the back of his hand.

However, a metal clip for holding barbecue sticks to his lips, preventing him from getting close to Xi.

Caesar looked over gloomyly, staring fiercely at Zhan Yu.

However, the man seemed not to notice, and said indifferently: "Stay away from my fiancée!"


Caesar laughed, laughed loudly, narrowed his eyes, and stared fiercely at Zhan Yu: "Your fiancée? Is there anything to prove that she is your fiancée?"

"I can prove it!"

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her lips, and raised her glass to Zhan Yu with a smile: "My dear, cheers!"


Zhan Yu hooked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and looked at Caesar provocatively.

Caesar was really pissed off.

Damn it, Xi, you turned your elbows out! !

Xia Xi: Cough, we are one family, you are the outsider!

Caesar twitched the corners of his mouth and rubbed the center of his brows: "The Borgia family will invest in your heart movie. Mr. Chen Nan and Mr. Chen have agreed to cooperate with us. Moreover, all the cars needed for this movie will be provided by our Borgia family!"

Hearing this, all members of Adversary were startled.

The Borgia family is an Italian family, and Italy is rich in all kinds of luxury goods, as well as famous cars!

All cars out of the Borgia family?

That's right, it's all in the rhythm of famous cars! !

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