"Young master, the master is here!"

When the internal call came in, Xia Xi froze for a moment.

After reflecting for a while, I remembered that my grandfather came to the imperial capital.

Without saying a word, she got up to greet her, but she saw a strange old man.

"Grandpa, who is this?"

Su Qingge smiled: "This is your second uncle, Meng Jingzhong."

People from the Meng family?

Didn't it mean that our family has a bad relationship with the Meng family? What's the situation with the Meng family who suddenly appeared? ?

"Back then, it was the second uncle who treated me and your grandmother well."

Is that so, for grandpa's sake, please be more polite.

"Second Uncle, please come in!"

Meng Jingzhong nodded, Xia Xi was quite polite to him, and it was right to call Su Qingge up!

"I don't know why the second uncle came..."

Meng Jingzhong didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "You must have heard about the economic crisis. I don't know if it has any impact on the Su family?"

"There will be."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and came up to ask this, it seemed that something was wrong.

"The stock market has been depressed, and our market capitalization has shrunk."

Meng Jingzhong nodded, the economic crisis, it's only strange if you don't shrink!

"Then your industry..."

"The industry is good, the performance of the film and television companies is not bad, although the common people have no money, but the attention to the film and television is still as high as ever, and the games are now biased towards free online games."

Meng Jingzhong continued to nod.

"Does Er Bogong want to buy shares? Before the Su Corporation went public, it was cheaper. Now, if you want to buy shares, you have to spend 100 million yuan."

This one hundred million scared Meng Jingzhong.

He doesn't have a dime now, where can he get 100 million? ?

Besides, he came to Xia Xi for help, not for investment! !


Meng Jingzhong coughed in embarrassment: "I want to ask you for help, borrow some money, and get through this difficult time..."

"Hey, that's strange. The Meng family is the second of the four big families. Do you still need our Su family's help?"

The obviously mocking tone made Meng Jingzhong a little unhappy, but he could feel the big brother, and he felt that Xia Xi's hatred for him was nothing.

Tsk, it's all the big brother's fault! !

"Yes, the scope of this economic crisis is exactly the scope of Meng's investment, so..."

The damage is still great.

"How much do you want?"

Meng Jingzhong was taken aback. He didn't expect Xia Xi to be so happy. After thinking about it, he said, "Two hundred million."

"How about the interest?"

"According to bank interest!"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and thought for a while.

She has the money, not to mention the recent advertising endorsements and movie box office revenue, etc., which have already exceeded 200 million, and the money that Guangzhan expropriated and compensated her is 800 million, plus the money earned by the Su family, she can also count The top 100 richest people in Shanghua.

However, it was the Meng family who borrowed the money, so this matter has to be taken care of separately.

She subconsciously looked at Grandpa.

She didn't know what happened back then, and everything had to be decided by her grandfather.

Seeing Xia Xi looking over, Su Qingge smiled: "Xiao Xi, your second uncle is not a bad person."

"That's fine, I can borrow it."

Meng Jingzhong was happy: "Yes, thank you so much!!"


Xia Xi squinted her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile that was not a smile. She couldn't help it, and the smile on Meng Jingzhong's face stiffened instantly.

Because he knew that after this, there would definitely be trouble! !

Tsk, Xiaoxi's temperament, why is she so like Jingyun! !

They are all masters who refuse to suffer!


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