The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1954 University Graduation


There is commotion everywhere!

On the Internet, in reality, even the sales of Yilan Cosmetics have been affected, and even the sales manager couldn't help but ran to Lan Wenhua and asked, "Boss, do you want to withdraw all Xia Xi's endorsements?"

It won't work if it goes on like this, it has already affected the sales, and Xia Xi is clearly showing signs of being blocked by someone, if this goes on, it will affect the company's image!

Then it will be difficult to handle!

Lan Wenhua frowned and stared at the computer, while Xiaoxi was still brushing one by one on it, Lan Wenhua thought for a long time before saying: "No, I won't change it."

"No change?!"

The sales manager thought she had heard it wrong, so she couldn't help but said: "Mr. Lan, you have to think carefully, this is not only a matter of affecting sales, Xia Xi's current image has been completely ruined, and it will ruin the image of our Yilan Cosmetics." Follow the damaged ones! At that time, it will not be able to be saved!!"

If the sales volume has dropped, I can find a way to increase the sales volume, but it's just a price reduction + activities!

However, once the company's image is gone, then everything is gone! !

Don't do this, Mr. Lan! !

"I believe in Xia Xi. I know her very well. I won't replace her!"

Lan Wenhua's voice was extremely firm, firmly saying that the sales manager thought she had heard it wrong, and she couldn't help persuading her again and again, but in the end, Lan Wenhua rejected it.

She doesn't understand!

Why is Boss Lan so optimistic about Xia Xi! !

An entertainer!

It's still full of gossip! !

Elan is going to crash! !

The sales manager walked away preoccupied, but Lan Wenhua pulled the keyboard and logged into his account.

Yilan: No matter what, I believe in Xia Xi, she is the best artist I have ever seen, she has the most perfect personality in the world, no matter who she likes, she is the most perfect Xia Xi.

Yilan stood up to speak for Xia Xi first, and then COOL!

When Mr. Chen Ming from COOL saw this report, he chose to be the same as Lan Wenhua.

He supported Xia Xi and showed his attitude.

To be honest, he wasn't surprised that a man liked Xia Xi.

The way this young man is just standing there playing with his skateboard makes one feel as if he will fall into his first love at any time, let alone a man who gets along with her day and night!

Moreover, it turned out that that man was Huayu's boss!

The youngest son of the Zhan family, that Zhan Yu who seldom shows up in front of people!

Chen Ming hooked the corner of his mouth, and after sending messages of support, he silently gave Lan Wenhua a thumbs up.

In addition, S Gao also gave Xia Xi a thumbs up.

This is the best student ever at S High, none of them, you can't say she has a problem just because of her sexual orientation!

this is not right!

Even though Confucius said that there is no distinction between teaching and learning, schools should not be places for prejudice, so they expressed their support for Xia Xi! !

The three awesome organizations all expressed their attitudes, and for a while, the voices on the Internet also became more and more subdued.

To be honest, is it really that important whether others like men or women?

Whether Xia Xi likes Zhan Yu, or whether Zhan Yu likes Xia Xi, is it so unbearable? ?

"Whoever said this, said that Xia Xi slept with her, disgusting!! Being a man is really disgusting!"

"Did you see it upstairs? Why do you say that about me, Xidian! If you have the ability to show evidence!!"

"Yes! Take it out, and shut up if you don't take it out! Bitch!"

On the Internet, a new round of abuse has begun, and at this time, Xia Xi is graduating from university.

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