Even He Xiaolan didn't hesitate to ask for leave to rush over from school just for Xia Xi's graduation ceremony today! !

Anyway, their school's graduation ceremony is not today! Exactly staggered!

Now that there are so many people on the Internet in Heixi Palace, she, He Xiaolan, will never back down, she will support Xidian even if she dies!

Xidian is her idol!

He is her favorite male god in this life!

So what if she likes Zhan Yu? ?

She has been in the Yuxi CP team since she was in high school! !

Now it's just a dream that has become a reality!

Therefore, she still supports, supports me Xidian! !

"Hey, you lunatics, this is a pervert, she's gay, and you still support her?"

"That's right, are you sick? Dogs ate all the three views??"

Someone couldn't help but mutter and mock at the side.

He Xiaolan stared, and said angrily: "So what, I just like Xidian! I have liked Xidian since high school! What's wrong with liking men? Is it in the way of you? I don't steal Xidian, second, I don't rob, third Not anti-human, she is much better than all the idols in the world, she only likes hot boys, as for you guys!"

He Xiaolan became more and more excited as she spoke, and at the end her eyes turned red and she couldn't help crying: "Besides, who doesn't have a small electrical problem, who won't make a small mistake? I, Xidian, have been walking all the way for so many years, no matter what I do is the best! She is in I am the most perfect in my heart, so what if she likes men now, just because of this one can erase everything about her, okay? No, no, you know!!"

He Xiaolan yelled!

She didn't know what she wanted to say, she just felt wronged for Xia Xi.

I, Xidian, are obviously so good and treat my fans so well, why did you people turn your back so quickly, turning from fans to black fans? ?

You still want to be shameless? ! !

How shameless! !

After the yelling, no one said a word. I don't know if it was He Xiaolan who said they were speechless, or He Xiaolan was crying, so that everyone dared not say anything more.

Xia Xi, on the other hand, smiled slightly, walked over slowly, and gently lifted He Xiaolan's chin.

"Thank you for speaking for me at this time."

Xia Xi's voice is very soft and gentle, her smile is softer and more beautiful, like a virgin and a god.

Wiping away the tears that kept rolling down with her fair and pink fingertips, Xia Xi gently took out a piece of chocolate, tore it open, and stuffed it into He Xiaolan's mouth.

"Is it sweet?"


He Xiaolan replied subconsciously.

"Sweet, don't cry, okay?"

At that moment, tears flowed like a fountain.

Until this moment, instead of trying to prove something for herself, Xia Xi was comforting the crying fans!

At that moment, even Lan Die and the others subconsciously broke down in tears.

Look, Xidian is so good, why do you want to black Xidian? ?

"Crying again."

Xia Xi sighed helplessly, and lightly pressed a kiss on He Xiaolan's cheek: "Don't cry, my tearful beauty."

He Xiaolan covered her flushed face and cried even more ferociously.

"Xi Dian, I will always love you! Really, I will always love you!!"

He Xiaolan howled and yelled, and also yelled out the aspirations of all the fans.

Yes, Xi Dian, we will always love you, not because of the plays you performed, nor because of the honors you won, but because, that person is you!

"Well, thank you, and I will always love you too!"

Xia Xi straightened up and looked towards the auditorium: "Then, can you accompany me to the graduation ceremony? Since you have witnessed the high school graduation ceremony, why not accompany me to the university graduation ceremony?"

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