This graduation ceremony eventually became the most famous graduation ceremony in the history of Imperial Capital University.

Even many years later, people will still talk about the marriage proposal of the century with relish, as well as the dazzling life of Xia Xi, the world's best actress.

But before that, Xia Xi and Zhan Yu were smiling, holding hands, and slowly walked off the stage.

They didn't seem to have anyone in their eyes.

No sunspots, no fans, just you and me.

On this day, many students in Imperial University were weeping, thinking about the graduation season, why do you always come so fast?

Also on the same day, "Love Across the Pacific" was released worldwide!

The shocking Hei Wen, with the help of Xia Xi, quickly made this movie popular, and it became extremely popular!

The stunning marriage proposal at the graduation ceremony attracted many people to watch this romantic movie.

The extremely vulgar romance movies are all old routines, but because of the marriage proposal staged by Xia Xi and Zhan Yu, no matter how people look at it, they feel extremely affectionate!

The little white-faced Cong Qingyun went from being a soft boy who ate and drank at first, to finally fighting for his beloved woman for three months without even having time to shave, and finally appeared in front of the heroine with a sloppy face, the one who rescued her For a moment, the audience burst into tears.

"This is love!"

"The greatest love ever!"

All sorts of reviewers out of nowhere gave this movie high marks, and "Love Across the Pacific" is a global hit! !

This is the first time that Huaguo movies have exploded around the world!

This is also a movie that can be accepted by anyone without any differences in regions or customs!

Because love is the same everywhere.

I love you and am willing to give everything for you, that's enough.

The soaring box office has surpassed the critical points of all previous movies all the way!

Even the box office of "Golden Pupil ⑥" was surpassed by "Love Across the Pacific"

Step on it!

Cindy Poch didn't feel jealous about this, instead he shook hands with Xia Xi very sincerely: "As expected, I read correctly, Xia Xi, you are really great, and you will definitely become, the best film and television show ever. people!"

Not an actor, not a director, but a filmmaker.

Cindy Boqi gave Xia Xi the highest evaluation.

Xia Xi just smiled and didn't say anything.

Because, this is just the beginning, there are more things for her to do.

For example, Meng Jingtian's rage.

Yes, Meng Jingtian was very angry.

He approached Su's aggressively. At such an advanced age, he still kicked open the door of the office.

The people in the room were having a meeting around Xia Xi. Seeing the old man stunned for a moment, Xia Xi waved his hands lightly: "Go out first."

After everyone left, Chen Nan kindly closed the office door.

Meng Jingtian could no longer hold back his anger and said, "Xia Xi, you have lost all of our Meng family!!"

Xia Xi smiled, and put her hands behind her head indifferently: "It's amazing, you never regarded me as the Meng family, why would you say that I am ashamed to be thrown into your family?"

"Don't talk to me there!! I don't agree with you and Zhan Yu!!"

"I don't agree either!"

Zhan Zheng pushed open the door angrily, and strode in. He even brought a few vicious bodyguards. The bodyguards cleaned up everyone at the door and stood there like a mountain, prohibiting everyone from entering or leaving.

He really didn't expect that things would develop to this point! !

Graduation proposal? ?

It was also hyped up by a certain sunspot who didn't know who it was, and now Te Niang's whole world knows about it! !

There is no room for redemption! !

Grandpa doesn't care about this matter, but he can't ignore it!

His younger brother can't be ruined by Xia Xi like this! !

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