The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1966 Is it male or female?

"What, my husband is a woman?? Fake??"

"Oh my god, is this video real or fake?"

"I'm going, it's too explosive, who, the special effects are so good, what kind of new plot is this, is it hype again?"

"To hype your sister, the old man sitting is Xia Xi's grandfather, and the two young ones standing are Huayu's two young bosses, brothers! The other one is the old man of the Meng family. This is so fucking true. Yes, it’s not hype!!”

"Oh my god, I must not have woken up today, how can I, Xidian, be a girl!!"

"I didn't wake up either! No, I firmly don't believe it!!"

"I don't believe it either!! I dug up and watched all my husband's TV series and movies again, how is it possible, how could a girl be so handsome!!"

"Yeah, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible!!"

"Impossible, impossible, tell me, who is hacking our Great Xi Temple! See if I don't kill him!!"

"Kill him! Kill Heizi, you can post anything, this is our national husband!!!"

"Hahaha, your national husband is a woman!!"

"This news is amazing! I went to read "Sprouting" again, um, only a real woman can perform so well!"

"So, Xia Xi, why don't you say something yourself?"

The tall building came to an abrupt end here.

It seemed that everyone was waiting for Xia Xi to give them a clear answer.

Not to mention the fans, all those who have worked with Xia Xi are going crazy.

Xia Xi is a woman?

Fang Junru, Bingmou, and even Boqi, etc., all the directors who have worked with Xia Xi, rushed to Su's immediately.

Look online? ?

No, they're going to figure it out for themselves!

Even Hermes, the boss of LykanHypersport, the luxury car brand he just endorsed, rushed over without stopping!

Chen Nan, Qin Fang and other people in the company couldn't help but surround the desks, three floors inside and three floors outside.

Xia Xi straightened her suit and unbuttoned her shirt. She looked relaxed and comfortable, extremely handsome, as if the news about someone else's house was going up on the Internet.


At the end of the thought, no one dared to say a word.

It was Hermes who pushed him aside impatiently: "I said Xiaoxi, are you male or female?"

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth, raised her eyelids, and looked undisciplined, so charming that everyone who watched couldn't help their eyelids twitching.

Damn, he's so handsome!

Inexplicably, there is an indisputable allure!

"If you add a sentence in your ad that women can drive so coolly, will it spark a big topic?"

Hermes: ...

It seems, it seems, it will be very flammable!

Luxury cars are a man's world, but now if Xia Xi is a girl, she can win him in a luxury car. I don't know why, but I feel that it is more exciting than Xiao Xi in men's clothes!

This seems to be from a man's desire to conquer? ! !

"This can be!"

Hermes made up his mind: "But it's not a problem, are you male or female?"

Xia Xi continued to laugh: "My wedding with Zhan Yu, please be sure to attend."

Everyone: ………

What's the difference between that and no answer? ?

"At that time, everyone will know whether I am a man or a woman, Mr. Chen, see off the guests!"

Chen Nan retracted her neck in embarrassment, resolutely refusing to admit that she had also pricked up her ears to eavesdrop just now.

"Everyone, please go back!"

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