The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1970 Cyber ​​Violence

"No, we are not all the way."

Xia Xi's voice was indifferent, as if she had rejected Caesar indifferently.

She didn't feel like she was in the same league as Caesar.

"From the first time I saw you in my previous life, I knew that we are not the same people."

She said lightly: "You are the heir of the Borgia family, I am an orphan, you are from Italy, I am from China, you are a young master who only cares about your own happiness, and I am just a person struggling to live, We have never been the same way!"

Caesar is going crazy!

He felt that Xia Xi was going to drive him crazy!

"Then what about Zhan Yu, are you guys all the way?!"

"He is also the young master, what is the difference between me and Zhan Yu?? Xi! He doesn't know how dangerous your life was before, Xi, will he really cherish you like me?? He really understands Have you experienced the pain of losing you?? He has not, but I have experienced it!!"

Caesar was about to go crazy: "Without you, I'm like a corpse!! Xi, you can't do this to me!!!"

Xia Xi lowered her eyelids, not looking at Caesar: "In your opinion, as long as one party likes love, that's enough?"

Caesar gritted his teeth, but Xia Xi still said indifferently: "I don't like you, is the answer clear enough?"

Caesar clenched his fists, his eyes were slightly red.

He really wants to hit people, and he really wants to kill people. If someone gives him an AK47, he will definitely sweep down from here and kill all moving creatures in front of him! !

The answer is clear enough!

It became clear that he began to wonder what was the point of living in this world! !

Xi, why are you so cruel to me alone? ?

Caesar felt his heart was about to explode.

He clenched his fist and beat the table hard.

Amidst the loud bang bang bang, Xia Xi sat there indifferently, watching this handsome blond man go crazy.

Some things have to be resolved after all.

Caesar, it is impossible for us, you have already lost the best opportunity, and there is no turning back in her Xia Xi's life.

"So are you sure that he will always love you like I love you?"

Caesar suddenly laughed, he raised his head suddenly, his eyes were slightly red, like a wild beast: "Xi, will you come back to me as long as Zhan Yu is not worthy of your love?"

He squinted his eyes, got up, straightened his messy hair, and straightened a crease on his shirt. He was as glamorous as when he came here, without the slightest screaming embarrassment.

"You will definitely become the hostess of the Borgia family!"

After saying this, Caesar turned his head and left.

He has been chasing a woman for so long, and wants to dismiss him just because he doesn't like it? ?

You really underestimated the persistence and enthusiasm of Italian men! !


Persistence and enthusiasm! !

After Caesar left, Xia Xi frowned and turned on the computer.

The public opinion on the Internet is like a turbulent sea, and ordinary people will not be able to stand it when they see it, right? ?

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and looked at them one by one.

Rao was the captain of the Adversary, and had seen all kinds of bloody and violent things, but Xia Xi still couldn't bear such cursing one after another.

Cyber ​​violence is still violence, and cyber violence is more terrifying than physical violence.

Because this kind of mental torture is continuous, even if you don't read it, those words will be engraved in your mind, and it will not go away for a long time, tormenting people's nerves.

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