The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1977 It's not me who should be confirmed

Infidelity in marriage should have left the house a long time ago, and now I add a slander, Xia Xi used her identity to deceive Xia Wei, but everything in the Xia family belongs to the Su family, what face do you have to come out and snatch this everything? Is this your thing?

Use public opinion?

Sorry, some things are not easy to use public opinion!

Soon, the Su family launched a counterattack against Xia Wei's affairs. Apart from the fact that many marketing accounts began to expose Xia Wei's various evil deeds, the most powerful counterattack was the court's subpoena.

The Su family formally sued Xia Wei for multiple crimes, and the court case is about to begin.

Xia Wei was dumbfounded.

He thought that after such a commotion, even if Su Qing didn't come, Xia Xi should come to see him, but he didn't, and what came was a summons.

Chen Yurong's complexion also changed, she couldn't think so well, she couldn't help but said: "Brother Wei, there won't be any problem, right?"

Xia Wei became angry from embarrassment: "I haven't sued them for cheating yet, but now they have the face to sue me?? Summons? I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Chen Yurong also nodded: "Yes, they were the ones who cheated first!"

"That's it! Hmph, I'm afraid they won't make it, so go directly!"

The two made up their minds to attend this lawsuit!

As soon as the subpoena came out, the public opinion on the Internet was also one-sided. Some people supported Xia Xi and scolded Xia Wei as a scumbag, while others said that Xia Xi beat him up, and Xia Wei was very pitiful.

But now, Xia Xi no longer cares about these so-called public opinions.

Because, it's meaningless.

Her goal now is this lawsuit.

After sorting out all the materials at hand, Xia Xi curled her lips and handed everything over to Song Wen.

Court day, finally arrived.

Because it involved the Su family, the Xia family, and Xia Xi himself, this lawsuit attracted a large number of reporters before it even started, and the gate of the court was almost blocked.

However, because a lot of personal privacy is involved, the whole trial process is not open to the public except for a few people.

This made the reporters more interested and wanted to know more.

They can't get in, but they can stay outside and guard the people who participated in this lawsuit.

Seeing Xia Wei and Chen Yurong getting out of the car, the reporters swarmed up to interview: "Hello, Mr. Xia, what do you think of this lawsuit?"

"This is all a false accusation. Su Shi will fight back. This matter will not end like this. After this lawsuit is over, I will sue Su Shi in turn!"

"Then you mean that you have a chance of winning this lawsuit, don't you?"

"It's not that I have the chance to win, but that's the truth! Mrs. Su is a liar!"

"So, have you been able to confirm that Xia Xi is a woman but not a man?"

"Hmph, it's not me who should prove it, but the court!"

After speaking, Xia Wei stepped away and pushed everyone away.

Reporters, you look at me and I look at you, and couldn't help but tsk, after all, I still don't know if Xia Xi is a man or a woman!

Soon, Su's car also arrived, and the reporters swarmed up again.

But obviously, Su's car is more than one!

Four cars formed a convoy and drove into the gate of the court. Well-trained bodyguards in colorful suits surrounded the car in the middle, blocking all the reporters outside.

Journalists are going crazy!

After all, Xia Wei came here by himself, so he can stop and say a few words, Xia Xi came here fully armed! !

You can't even get close, okay!

However, this does not stop the reporters from picking up their cameras and shooting wildly.

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