When these scenes, bits and pieces of the past, were presented in front of everyone as photos, many people couldn't bear it any longer, and wept in front of the screen.

Shen Xing also saw it, and when she saw the end, she cried and wrote a paragraph.

Shen Xing: My name is Shen Xing. Yes, that’s right. This is not my screen name, but my real name. I’m not afraid of everyone’s flesh, because every word I say is true.

When I just graduated from makeup school, I was always bullied in the circle, and no one would use a new makeup artist to do makeup. I felt very depressed during that time, and there would be artists who bullied me, beat me, and At that time, I was fat and ugly, and everyone didn't believe that I could draw the most beautiful makeup!

But, Xidian believed me, I still remember, Xidian said to me with a smile: You are the best, draw the road Satan in your heart!

So, as if possessed by a demon, I waved my fat and short hands, and only then did I draw the Satanic figure of my Temple of Heaven in Ling Haotian's MV!

It can be said that without Xidian, there would be no current Shen Xing. Yes, I succeeded and became a popular makeup artist in the entertainment industry, but Xidian, you are in my heart, and you will always be my favorite idol, regardless of gender, Just because of you!

Xidian, I love you, I will always support you! !

After Shen Xing finished writing, he lay down in front of the computer desk, weeping uncontrollably.

This is what she said from the bottom of her heart!

There is nothing to say, just three words, I love you! !

Xi Palace!

Whether you are a man or a woman, I will always love you! !

Seeing this, many netizens became more and more silent, but more and more people began to leave messages below. They all used their real names! !

Su Tao: I'm Su Tao, also my real name, human flesh is welcome!

I have nothing to say, I know what kind of person Xi Dian is like, because we grew up together as childhood sweethearts, well, I only now know that this cousin of mine turned out to be a cousin!

But so what?

Three years in high school, if there is no Xidian, I really don't know how I will come here!

I will definitely not be admitted to the university in God's capital, and even now I may be a porter or a repairman!

Xi Dian had already made his debut in high school, so he was so busy, and even helped our entire study group to review their homework!

So, Xidian, I love you too, you will always be the brightest superstar in my heart! !

Lu Qingzheng: I am also a real name, human flesh is welcome.

In fact, what I want to say is that my elder brother took us to bully Xi Dian in high school. My elder brother was beaten terribly at that time, and Xi Dian was also framed by someone saying that she provoked a fight!

At that time, my eldest brother did too much and almost killed me. Xidian was very angry at that time. We all thought that Xidian would kill my eldest brother, but Xidian did not. Xidian only said: You did this for others. As for what? ?

Yes, my elder brother was being used by someone, but Xi Dian just didn't know it, and being used by someone, he would be charged with murder, as for that? ?

Knowing that moment, Xidian was still thinking about my elder brother! !

Xidian, she is such a person!

Later, the eldest brother himself stood up and explained everything. He left and let us all listen to Xi Dian. He said, Xi Dian is a person worth dating, a hero!

We can only listen to our elder brother, and we always thought that following Xia Xi might still be the same as before, living a life of punks.

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