The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1989 It's definitely not a joke

"Inexplicably, I feel that Xidian is really handsome. No wonder fans like to call her Xidian. She is so powerful that it is unimaginable!"

Sometimes, it is even more awe-inspiring to be visually and even physically strong, but not to be physically strong!

"I kind of like Xia Xi!"

"Well, she's dazzling."

This kind of fearlessness is really dazzling!

After getting rid of the reporters, Xia Xi walked into the venue calmly.

When the reporters waiting inside saw her coming, they all stood up to take pictures, but the bodyguards stopped her, and Xia Xi just said indifferently: "Let them take pictures!"

Seeing this, the bodyguards stopped blocking them and allowed them to take pictures, but they would not let them touch Xia Xi.

Walking to the front row and taking a seat, Xia Xi looked left and right. On one side was Meng Jingtian, on the other was Zhan Zheng. The rest of the people were all farther away.

"Xiaoxi, uncle supports you!"

"Xiaoxi, brother supports you!"

Xia Xi: ...

Isn't it time for you to argue and disagree with each other? ?

After everyone was seated, the press conference began.

Normally at such times, the artist himself would not speak, and instead the agent spoke directly, but this time, Liu Yinghong did not come, but Zhan Yu, picked up the microphone and stood up.

Xia Xi glanced at him, hooked the corners of her mouth, and said nothing.

However, many reporters were stunned for a moment and looked at each other in surprise.

This is Huayu's boss, did the boss speak in person? ?

"I know your doubts." Zhan Yu said lightly: "The reason why I am standing here is because of Xia Xi's manager and Hua Yu's identity. I think I can afford it."

Two sentences, let everyone in the audience quiet down.

Zhan Yu swept across the audience indifferently, and said lightly: "Although Xia Xi is no longer Huayu's artiste, I was still her manager when the incident happened. Now, I announce to everyone that Xia Xi The contract with Huayu has expired and will not be renewed."

The rest of the people froze for a moment, didn't they want to talk about Xia Xi's identity today? Why was the contract termination notice? ?

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Zhan Yu continued: "I know what you are still doubting. Xia Xi's identity is indeed a girl, and I know it. As for why she concealed it, the lawsuit a few days ago is the best proof. From now on From now on, any of Xia Xi's performing arts activities has nothing to do with Hua Yu, everything is her own business."

The audience was shocked!


Is Xia Xi really a girl? !

People looked at Xia Xi one after another, and even everyone stopped looking at Zhan Yu, but frantically took pictures of Xia Xi. Facing the flashing camera in front of him, Xia Xi maintained an indifferent smile and waved at the camera.

Journalists are going crazy!

This is how much a strong heart can not care about other people's doubts and visions? ?

Really, it's amazing! !

"From today onwards, Huayu and the Su family will be the most unbreakable partners. Whether fans want to continue to follow Xia Xi is your own choice, but if someone posts on Xia Xi's Weibo or even online because of this Abuse, I can tell you with certainty that what you will face is Su, Huayu and Meng's lawsuits! We will sue you and ruin your fortune!"

The last sentence is especially cold, even through the camera, it makes people feel so cold that it makes the scalp tingle!

Everyone can feel that Zhan Yu's words are definitely not a joke! !

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