However, this woman wasn't afraid at all, she just looked at Xia Xi and said, "The base of the temple is not in Iran, but in..."


In the corner, someone shot, and Megan slowly fell into a pool of blood.

Xia Xi looked over indifferently. In the corner, someone came out pushing a wheelchair, and the old Cohen was sitting on it.

"Hey, Xi, my dearest friend, come to the villa and sit down, why didn't you inform me, this old bone!"

Familiar voice, familiar greeting, but no longer a familiar person.

Xia Xi looked at the old man who was too old to stand up with a smile, but was still in good spirits, and said with a smile: "You look like you are dying."

Hearing this, all the bodyguards looked over viciously, as if Xia Xi said one more word, and they would send her to heaven.

However, Xia Xi didn't take it seriously, she wasn't afraid, because she didn't come here by herself today!

However, Old Cohen didn't seem to be angry at all, he also smiled, with a loving face on his face: "No, honey, I'm not about to die, I should have died a long time ago."

"That's true."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and looked at old Cohen carefully again.

How old had the old thing been when she first met old Cohen? ?

It seemed that he was in his seventies at that time.

By now, he should be over a hundred years old, right? ?

Xia Xi frowned, her expression became more gloomy.

"What is your relationship with the temple?"

Old Cohen smiled: "I think you should thank me for killing a traitor for you, don't you?"

Seeing that old Cohen couldn't answer her own question, Xia Xi lowered her gaze.

However, Old Cohen didn't seem to care, he subconsciously looked at Xia Xi, his old eyes were extremely cloudy, looking like a pair of dead eyes!

Xia Xi shivered subconsciously.

However, the old man smiled slightly, looked past her, and looked at Zhan Yu behind her.

The smile on the corner of the old man's mouth was even wider, and he nodded subconsciously: "I should have thought a long time ago that Huaguo is Huaguo. It has 50 million civilizations and is still extremely prosperous. It can only show that this country has what you want. Everything, including hard work, wealth, and..."

The last content, the old Cohen did not seem to intend to say, he just hooked the corner of his mouth subconsciously, and said with a smile: "The film and television empire of the Cohen family, you can move, Xia Xi, if you need anything, you can just come to me, old Cohen , we have always been best friends."

After finishing speaking, Old Cohen waved his hand, and the bodyguard behind him pushed the wheelchair and pushed him back.

"Grandfather, grandfather!!"

Odie panicked and called the old man's name, but the old Cohen just said indifferently: "Xia Xi invites you to play, you just go and sit, after all, it has to move."

Seeing what the old man said, Odie couldn't make a sound, and could only collapse on the ground.

Mei Di was killed by his grandfather. Instead of saving himself, his grandfather let Xia Xi take him away. Why? !

Why? ! !

Seeing that the matter has developed to this point, the Black Widow is a little speechless. How do you think Odie is dispensable to Old Cohen? Are they going to take away such a useless person? ?

"Captain, what do we do now??"

Like many years ago, the Black Widow still asked Xia Xi for her opinion.

But Xia Xi just smiled, kicked Odie, like carrying a sack, and said with a smile: "Of course I took it away!"

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