Back at the banquet, Xia Xi slowly walked under the light.

The black suit was still dull, but the silk shirt shone under the light.

The burgundy tie became even more scarlet, and the scarlet was so charming!

"My God, this suit is also very handsome!"

"As expected of Raul Ford's work, this dress is amazing!"

"It's definitely because our Xi Palace is handsome, and we look good in everything we wear!!"

Shen Xing resolutely defended Xia Xi, then squeezed out holding the camera, desperately taking pictures of Xia Xi.

Raul Ford also looked at Xia Xi with a look of fascination.

OMG, it's great!

It was the first time he saw a boy wearing a suit so enchantingly!

It's so handsome, cool and enchanting! !

No, no, no, he really wants to faint! !

Raul was so excited that he didn't want to.


Li Jinian smiled and pulled Xia Xi in front of him, and looked at Zhang Dade: "My films are indeed newcomers, and I also like to use newcomers, because their future is limitless, just like Xia Xi, who is not yet famous. A suit worth 100,000 yuan, Raul Ford changes the clothes himself, even your first-line staff can’t do it, my newcomers can do it, so, when it comes to movies, it’s not who is watching the acting, but the person watching the acting, is there anyone? This ability."

Zhang Dade's face was so ugly that he looked at Xia Xi coldly.

Just this brat? ?

Apart from being a little more demonic and a little more beautiful, how can it be better than the first line? ?

Even if you beat him to death, you won't believe it!

"Believe it or not, your "Donkey Three Cannons" will never surpass me!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Zhang Dade felt as if he had heard a big joke.

"Are you saying I'm not as good as you?? My last film made a box office of one billion in China, what about you?? Have one billion?? You tell me now, I'm not as good as you??"

"Yes, because Xia Xi is in my movie!"

When Wang Rui introduced Xia Xi to him, he still didn't believe that a newcomer could have such a high popularity? ?

But after this movie was filmed, the girls in the crew almost became her senior fans, so he firmly believed that Xia Xi's ability to attract fans was definitely a thing of the past! !

Therefore, he is sure that the box office will not be bad this time!

"Hmph, fine, if your box office is higher than mine, even if it's only a dollar higher, I'll call you brother!"

Zhang Dade gave Xia Xi a hard look.

"If your movie box office is still not as good as mine, I tell you, get out of China, go to your foreign country, and never come back in this life!"

After speaking, Zhang Dade turned and left.

Li Jinian returned home to die, and still want to compare with him? ?

Hehe, there should be a limit to dreams, okay? ?

Since it is impossible to accomplish, don't even think about it in this life!

Zhang Dade came freely and walked even more freely, until he walked out of the gate, he hugged the second female again and walked away.

The bodyguard followed behind him, and also slowly retreated.

"This fat man!"

Li Jinian couldn't help but cursed.

"Director Li, don't be angry, this fat man can't beat you!"

Xia Xi simply raised his glass for Li Jinian: "Come on, let's toast to Director Li, "To My Dear Brother" will definitely be a hit!!"

Somehow, this kind of Xia Xi stirred up everyone's emotions, and the haze caused by Zhang Dade disappeared.

Everyone toasted happily and shouted: "It's hot, it must be hot!!"

Even Li Jinian couldn't help squinting his eyes at this moment, and gritted his teeth angrily: "Yes! I can't torture that fat man to death!!"

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