The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 815 It's a pervert to not take revenge

Regarding Lawrence's strangeness, Kitagawa Yuki just snorted coldly, and then rolled his eyes.

If it wasn't because Lawrence worked for Xidian, he wouldn't have spared this man. He would have arrested him and thrown it to the big Wall Street families. At least he could get a bounty of several million dollars!

But forget it now, Xidian is his captain, no matter in his previous life or this life, he only recognizes this soul! !

Kitagawa Yuki lowered his eyes, the past events gathered in the depths of his mind little by little, intertwined into patches of black and white colors, life was endless darkness for him, and the light in the darkness was the captain! !

"Hey, little devil!"

That proud voice was still immature. It was the first time he met the captain. At that time, the captain was 12, and he was only eight years old.

"Go to hell!"

This was what he said to the captain at the time. At that time, he was just a wolf cub, who would bite whoever he caught, no matter whether that person treated him well or badly!

Most people don't want to talk to him long ago, but a child is like a wolf that bites anyone. Even animals won't like it, let alone humans.

But the yellow and thin girl in front of her seemed to have found something rare. She squatted down and looked at him with her head tilted. It’s not too small, come on, show me a smile, if you look good, I’ll leave you to look good at home, if you’re ugly, I’ll kill you for barbecue.”

If you were joking, Kitagawa Yuki at that time sounded frightened!

No one in this world knows the pain he has suffered, only he himself knows that man cannibalism is really not just a metaphor in poetry! !

So he trembled all over, his hair stood on end, his whole body twitched like an epileptic, then he jumped up, bared his fangs and rushed at the skinny girl.

As for the result? ?

Kitagawa Yuki gave a wry smile, of course he was beaten badly!

Only then did he know that there is another place in this world called Huaguo, and that Huaguo has a very powerful fighting skill called Wushu.

But because of this incident, he didn't starve to death in the slums, and had the current life.

It's not luxurious, but it's comfortable!

Especially looking at those who bullied him, screaming and trembling, dying under him! !

So comfortable! !

Kitagawa Yuki narrowed his eyes, feeling goosebumps from head to toe.

He once thought that he might be a pervert, and was slapped by the captain when he talked about it with the captain.

"Stupid pervert, if you don't report your revenge, you will die soon!"

Kitagawa Yuki pursed his lips and chuckled lightly.

Captain, Captain, you are always so rare!

Yes, it is perverted not to take revenge!

Those hypocrites are perverts, he Kitagawa Yuki, no!

"Jingle Bell!"

A cheerful cell phone ringtone came from the pocket, Beyoncé's song, which was a special ringtone for their internal members to contact.

Kitagawa Yuki frowned and took out his phone.

Fortunately, it was Jack calling.


"Yuki, you really don't plan to come back?"

Jack chews gum and holds a pizza in his hand.


"Damn it, are you in love?? Aren't you the captain who doesn't want to marry? Now that you go to Huaguo, you give up your bright future because of your sister?? Are you changing your mind too fast?"

Jack felt incredible, really incredible! !

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