The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 817 How about going to China

Caesar laughed and drank heavily, and didn't even look at the pizza delivered by Jack. In his world, it seemed that there was only wine left.

Jack couldn't help but took a deep breath, looking at the gradually cooling pizza in his hand, he knew that these pizzas would become his dinner again.

Caesar would never take a bite.

"Why don't you go and relax?"

The person on the bed didn't say a word, just drinking one sip at a time.

"How about going to China?"

The drinker paused, subconsciously raised his head, and his blue eyes were darkened, like a calm sea suddenly rolling with stormy waves.

Jack shivered for a moment, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, no, we're not going anywhere!!"

"Don't mention it, anything related to her, don't mention it!!!"

Caesar almost growled.

Everything about that woman can only be in his Caesar's mind, people in July are not allowed to mention it, let alone touch it! !

That's his, only his people! !

"Alright alright!"

Jack couldn't beat him, and he didn't bother with him anymore.

Caesar is a magical person, and his way of loving is always so aggressive, so the captain has always regarded Caesar as an enemy, not a man!

Now that the captain is gone, Caesar starts to regret it, but what's the use? ?

When people are gone, there is nothing, even love.

At this moment, Mrs. Su.

Xia Xi is still teaching Tao Yue and his acting skills.

But Xia Xi may have learned many skills in only three days, and for ordinary people, it would take at least a month.

And Lin Zhena and Tao Yue are not spiritual people, so it is more difficult to learn.

The two girls were panting and sweating profusely. Xia Xi frowned and her face was not very good-looking.

"Hug, I'm sorry Xidian..."

Tao Yue looked aggrieved, why is she so stupid, she just can't learn it? ?

"It's okay, you still need to practice a lot."

Xia Xi took a deep breath to suppress the unhappiness in her heart.

This kind of thing can't be rushed, and the two girls are also very hardworking, so she can't push too hard.

"However, the book I introduced to you must be read. In addition, because the cooperation contract with Huayu has been approved, so during this period, some advertisements of Huayu will let us cooperate with them. In terms of roles, it will definitely not be The main character, but it is the best opportunity to exercise yourselves."

It’s the only way to hone it from a small role. Commercials are easier than movies, the time is shorter, and there are fewer emotions to control, so it’s easier to invest.

"Okay, it's okay, let's do it again."

Xia Xi spared no efforts in her guidance, which moved the two girls even more.

Tao Yue has already sunk, she regards Xia Xi as an idol, and she is also a goal that she must catch up with! !

Lin Zhena also gritted her teeth and continued to work hard.

Sister Su Mi seldom comes to training, but every time she shows up, she can complete the advertising needs with the best posture, and what's more terrible, just like this, her strength just crushes them all! !

Therefore, she has to aim at Sister Su Mi and work hard! !

The two became more energetic, and Xia Xi nodded slowly.

What she wants is this kind of talent, not for vases, not for eyes higher than the top, not for one mountain to look at another mountain, the Su family can't do it, but they will definitely rise!

She firmly believes!

"The body needs to be more beautiful, and your eyes!"

"Hold your chest out and keep your belly in. Don't ever forget this!"

In the training room, Xia Xi's voice was very clear.

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