"give you."

Zhan Yu's voice was low with a bit of inexplicable affection. He looked at Xia Xi quietly, watching her lift the snow rabbit in front of her eyes with a smile on her face, and looked carefully at the morning light.

"God, what did you do?? So cute!!"

Xia Xi couldn't put it down.

Zhan Yu looked away, ahem, he made the snow rabbit, but Songgu helped shape it, and made ears and rabbit along the way.

But he didn't tell Xia Xi these words.

"Take a good exam today, don't embarrass Hua Yu!"

"Do not worry!"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

The little rabbit wrapped it up carefully, and Xia Xi walked into the classroom very happily.

Fans still greeted her at the door of the classroom. Xia Xi usually greeted her as soon as she entered the door, and said nothing more. The fans also knew that, so they stopped disturbing or talking, and just watched quietly. Have quality.

The change of these fans surprised many students, but it all benefited from the active education of He Xiaolan and Su Xiaopang.

If you want to join the Toner Group, you have to make three rules, the first is to listen to the head of the group, and the second is not to cause trouble to Xi Dian! !

And Su Xiaopang is even more desperate, want a photo of Xidian? ? Okay, you have to prove first that you are a fan of Xi Dian, not a sunspot!

how to prove? ?

Naturally, it would be faster to directly join the magic powder group! ! !

That's why there is such a civilized fan group.

"His Royal Highness, are you ready for the exam?"

Lan Yinuan greeted her with a smile.

"Not bad. What about you?"

Lan Yinuan yawned: "Ah, it's too late to finish playing games."

"Does Your Highness Xiao Xi want to go skiing during the winter vacation?? I invite you!"

Lan Yinuan persevered.

"Let's talk."

The schoolbag was placed on the table, and the snow bunnies were piled up outside the window. There was still light snow falling outside, falling on the snow bunnies like a thin quilt.

The exam room and exam time for the final exam have already been arranged. When the time arrives, everyone takes the exam tools and looks for their own exam room.

This time Lan Yinuan was in the same exam room as her, Ling Haotian and Zhan Yu were not there.

When the exam papers were handed out, Xia Xi only glanced at them and answered the questions immediately.

Lan Yinuan glanced at it, yawned first, and then answered the question calmly.

After finishing the answer, Lan Yinuan simply lay down on the table and fell asleep soundly.

"Hey, that classmate, don't snore when you sleep, it will affect other students' exams!!!"

The invigilator's words caused a burst of laughter, and Xia Xi couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

Lan Yinuan was still in a trance, seeing Xia Xi smiling in the haze, he subconsciously smirked at Xia Xi.

"Team Xi..."

Xia Xi was suddenly taken aback by what she said in a daze.

In her previous life, everyone called her that!

How did Lan Yinuan know? ?

No, no, she's sure she hasn't seen him before, so it's because he's sleepy and talking in his sleep? ?

"Stinky boy, you still talk to me in your sleep!! It's not quiet even if you sleep!!!"

The roar of the invigilator sounded again, and the laughter in the classroom became louder.

Lan Yinuan just rubbed his eyes and got up, this time he didn't dare to lie down to sleep again, but slept with his head propped up, sleeping with his head bit by bit, quite like a chicken pecking rice.

The titters of several little girls sounded around.

Xia Xi suppressed the panic in her heart, answered the questions quickly, and was the first to hand in the paper.

"Teacher, I will hand in the paper!"

"That's amazing, Xidian is the first to hand in the paper again!!"

"Could it be that the number one in the rank department this time is really Xidian's?"

"I hope so, I am invincible in the Demon King Palace!!!"

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