"Ah, it's bleeding."

Xia Xi froze for a moment, what happened today? ? Tears of tears, nosebleeds of nosebleeds? ?

Is studying too much pressure? ?

"Hey?? Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey?!!!"

The little girl hurriedly covered her face in shame, shouting crazily in her heart: Xidian, don't look at him, it's too embarrassing! ! !

"do not move."

Xia Xi quickly pulled out the tissue, grabbed the little girl's head with one hand, and lifted her chin with the other, forcing her to look up.

"Look up, don't move."

The paper towel pressed the nose, and the delicate and smooth skin made the little girl feel dizzy even more.

My Xidian even has such good skin! ! !

Is the body temperature also warm? !

It also has a light fragrance! ! !

Ahhhhh! ! !

I'm so happy, it doesn't matter if I die, okay? !

"Is it better?? Don't affect the exam for a while."

"Okay, it's better!!"

The little girl covered her nose. The nosebleed was because she was too fascinated by watching Xidian, and her brain gushed out crazily when it got hot. Now that her head is quiet, the bleeding stops.

"Then, the last exam, come on!"

"Xi Dian also cheers!! We will always support you!!!"

After bidding farewell to the girls, Xia Xi walked back to the examination room.

At the stairway, Xia Zhengran stood there quietly, holding the review materials in her hands. She saw clearly what happened downstairs just now from upstairs!

In the past, she was surrounded by everyone, and the person who was smiling happily was obviously her, Xia Zhengran, but now, it was this trash! !

Her gaze was like a poisonous snake, fixed on Xia Xi who was walking slowly.

"Trash, I hope this good luck can follow you!!"

Xia Xi kept walking, she glanced at Xia Zhengran with disdain, and said mockingly, "I'm giving this to you, master cheater!"


Xia Zheng was trembling all over, but Xia Xi had already walked away with a contemptuous smile.

stimulate her? ?

I'm sorry, if Luo Ximing Luoshen said that, she would definitely try her best to enrich herself, and then find an opportunity to surpass Luoshen, but Xia Zhengran said this in the innermost part, not only did she not have the slightest challenge, but it also made her feel funny.

A person who relies on cheating to get to the top, really has no motivation to surpass!

Because Xia Zhengran is too bad, so bad that it's not worth mentioning!

She, Xia Xi, would not treat this kind of person as an opponent, let alone look down on him, because she really disdains him!

After finishing the last course, Xia Xi returned to her classroom, but did not find Zhan Yu.

Is this person still taking exams? ?

Impossible, his speed will definitely not be the last one to come out.

Sitting in her small Chevrolet, Liu Yinghong said, "Xiao Xi, the boss didn't come to take the school exam, I really think he has something to do at home, so he went back first."


Xia Xi rubbed her curly hair, and said, where is Zhan Yu's hometown? ?

Never heard him mention it, and she'd only been to his apartment.

"Isn't Zhanyu's family local?"

"Yes, in the imperial capital."

No wonder living in an apartment.

Xia Xi stretched her waist, no longer asked any more questions, but concentrated on thinking, next time she changed into women's clothing and went to Huayu, how could she get the 70% of the loss back from Zhan Yu's hand! ! !

"By the way, Xiaoxi, the BOSS said, if the box office of the movie during the winter vacation is high, you may not have time to go back to school from the next year."

Xia Xi didn't take it seriously, it's a good thing to be busy, whether it's for her or Su's.

"However, I am more worried. After the beginning of spring, the college entrance examination will be held. Will it affect you?"

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