The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 834 We Don't Dare Anymore!

"Yes, yes, the rest of my life will be ruined!!!"

"Sister! Big sister!! Grandma! Please let me go!!"

"Queen, great queen, don't!!"

Dying people, dying.

Can't, can't tie it up! !

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't tie it up, take a fruit photo and post it online, you can choose one of the two!"

Two people: ...

Is this really a multiple choice question? ?

It's not a good choice! !

The two looked at each other, picked up the rope with dejected faces, sighed and struggled internally.

Forget it, forget it, bundle! !

The two gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, and they fought it out!

Tie it up.

"Tie it tight!"

After watching this shot for a while, Xia Xi looked away, urging.

The two gritted their teeth and tied them tightly, screaming at each other in pain.

Xia Xi wanted to laugh, but they both deserved it!

After making sure that they were tied up, she turned her head, threw a coat to them, and walked away.

At this moment, Nan Guanlin is waiting for his friends to come and play with him at home, but he can't wait for him, so maybe something happened on the way? ?

Putting on a down jacket, he simply went out to meet her, but in the alley a hundred meters away, he found them hugging each other tightly.

"What are you two doing??"

Nan Guanlin turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, only glanced at it, and wanted to poke his eyes blind.

He would rather he didn't see anything! !

The two of them hug each other naked, and their bodies are red and purple. The most terrible thing is that they are covered with coats, and the bottom of Nima is empty, and they are still tightly tied together, like two matches. stick.

Nan Guanlin: ……………

"Fuck, what disgusting thing are you two playing?? Tell you, if you two dare to mess with each other, get out of my circle!!"

Both of them were about to cry, wailing and explaining: "It's not me, it's not me, it's Sumi, Sumi!!"

"Fuck, if you two dare to touch Su Mi, I'll cut off the bottom and make you two eunuchs for the rest of your life!"

The two of them trembled, not daring to talk anymore.

However, they quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

As soon as Nan Guanlin heard that Su Mi was coming, he immediately ran to the intersection and stretched his neck to look.

It's a pity that the beauty has long gone, and there is not even a shadow of her! !

Nan Guanlin was very angry, why didn't he come out a little earlier? ?

Looking back, looking at the two people walking the birds, he got even more angry.

"I'm telling you, you deserve Sumi's beating you up. If I find out that some of you are bothering her in the future, it won't be as simple as tonight!"

The two were startled and nodded again and again.

It seems that Young Master Nan is not just for fun this time, but for real! !

So, they really dare not, never dare! !

Seeing that the two were honest, Nan Guanlin hurried home and retrieved the video.

If you are close to home, you should be able to take pictures, right? ?

Sure enough, the camera captured the scene of Miss Su Mi beating two idiots. The girl in the snowy night was dressed in black leather, and her movements were smooth and coherent.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm !

If he had gone earlier, he would have seen with his own eyes the handsome appearance of my Goddess Sumi who abused an idiot! ! !

Why didn't he go sooner! ! !

Nan Guanlin beat his chest and stomped his feet, regretting so much that his intestines were green, it's just a little bit better, just a little bit! ! !

The two people who are still walking the bird at the moment: Brother... Aren't you trying to save them earlier? ?

Baby is so heartbroken...

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