The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 836: Raccoons of the same feather are all villains

The place where the rankings are released is downstairs, where all students must pass when entering and exiting the teaching building.

There are already a lot of people waiting to see the list.

Su Xiaopang also squeezed into the crowd, he wanted to see how many places he could advance!

Apart from Su Xiaopang, Xia Zhengran and others gathered not far away. Even Wang Chao couldn't wait and looked here frequently.

It stands to reason that it's time to release the list!

He Xiaolan glanced back, saw Wang Chao, subconsciously snorted coldly: "Hmph, some people, who posted the challenge letter to Xidian but dare not stand up, admit it, don't they think that our Xidian will definitely pass the exam? , he will definitely lose, so he dare not stand up??"

"I think so, but since I think I will definitely lose, why did you post the challenge letter and post it on the bulletin board? Is it just looking for bad luck?"

"Is this a draw?"

"That's it!"

Several people couldn't help laughing out loud, and the anger in He Xiaolan's heart calmed down a little.

Some people are just so annoying, they have to target us Xidian for everything!

"How could this be a solicitation?" Xia Zhengran swept her curly hair and said with a smile, "Some people want to save face for Xia Xi, right?"

He Xiaolan rolled her eyes, when she was in the key class, this person always had trouble with Xi Dian!

At the beginning it was rumored that Xidian liked men, it seemed that Xia Zhengran was also the one!

"Hey, the person who wrote the challenge letter, shouldn't it be you?"

Xia Zhengran's face froze.

"Hey, it's possible. When Xidian moved to the elite class, she also went with her, but she came back disheveled!"

"That's right, we also lost to Xidian in the oral English competition, so do you want to try to get back in the game?"

"I'm sorry, but you will never be our opponent in this life!"

"Yes, yes, even if you eat brain gold every day, you can't make up for it!"

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about? Is Xia Xi as powerful as our sister Zhengran?"

"That is, our sister Zhengran has always been the top student in the key class. If we hadn't won the first place in the English competition in the city on Zhengran Street, would it be possible for Xia Xi to participate in the provincial competition?? It's still more difficult We are the light of Sister Ran!"

"That's right, when you all bullied Xia Xi in the past, but our Zhengran Street has been helping her, okay?? Now you are starting to pretend to be good people, and instead bite our sister Zhengran, there is no way!!"

Zhang Lili, Su Baihe and others couldn't stand it anymore, so they stood up to defend Xia Zhengran.

"Hey, who is bullying Xidian?? I think you are bullying Xidian! Don't think we don't know, don't all lunatics listen to you!"

"That's right, who caused our Xi Palace to almost drop out of school!!"

"Still spreading rumors that Xi Dian likes men, what a fart! Meng Chaoyang won't take a second look at Xi Dian now, okay!!"

"That's right, it's Meng Chaoyang who is chasing our Xidian's ass now, who the hell is perverted!"

Meng Chaoyang, who came to watch the results, lay down inexplicably, and he became the target of public criticism in embarrassment.

When Xia Zhengran saw him, his eyes immediately turned red with anger.

Brother Chaoyang, he is actually waiting for the list to be released. He wants to see himself, or that bitch Xia Xi! ! !

"Hmph, let me tell you, I didn't write the challenge book."

Xia Zheng was in a hurry, and he couldn't care less, so he said directly.

"It's not you, but also the people under your command, you are all the same breed!"

"That's right! Raccoons of the same feather, all villains!"

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