The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 841 She Won't Be Afraid of Another Group

Wang Chao was completely transparent, but the students who were watching were blown up.

"Damn it, isn't it, big news!!"

"It's more than just big news. There's such a big reversal at the end of the year. This is really a year-end drama!!"

"Has Xia Zhengran messed up?? Hehe, I just said that some people really don't like our Palace of Xi all the time!"

"That's right, if you don't dare to face it head-on, why don't you just pull someone else to be a scapegoat?!"

"It's just shameless!"

"It's so shameless!! It's like a neuropathy!"

People pointed their finger at Xia Zhengran one after another, but the people who had been sneering at the onlookers suddenly became the target of public criticism. Xia Zhengran was startled, and his face was on fire.

Fuck, isn't Wang Chao so anxious that he can't say a word? Why did Xia Xi just look at him and say everything? Could it be that there was some ulterior transaction between the two of them? ?

It's disgusting!

But now that so many people are pointing their heads at her, Xia Zhengran, the white lotus, immediately becomes a show-stopper.

She blinked, and the corners of her eyes immediately turned red.

The little head drooped, biting her lips lightly, with a look of aggrieved face, choked up in a low voice: "I, I've been filming recently, and I haven't done anything."

Seeing Xia Zhengran like this, Zhang Lili quit first. She felt that these people were bullying Zhengran! !

"Hey, what are you talking about?? We were framed. She is also filming recently, and she rarely comes back from the class. How can there be any American time to provoke Wang Chao!"

"That's right, there's also Wang Chao, you don't take the blame yourself, why did you turn the blame on our sister Zhengran!"

"That's right, everyone is in the key class, and our sister Zhengran has helped you many times, right? The black-hearted thing dares to frame our sister Zhengran!!"

"It's really not a thing, it's disgusting!"

"No, it's really her, otherwise I wouldn't have written this. I'm jealous of Xia Xi, but she's really smart, and her grades can't lie..."

This time, Wang Chao lost convincingly.

Last year, we could say that everyone studied and reviewed together, but what about this year? ?

Xia Xi has been filming for several months, and there are only a handful of time to come to class at the end of the semester, but she also scored a perfect score of 750 in the test, and her results can be said to be improved compared to last year! !

With such rapid progress in such a short time, and the first place in the whole grade, he, Wang Chao, convinced her! !

Really convinced!

Really, he won't accept anyone, but Xia Xi! !

It's really amazing! !

"Woooooo, Wang Chao, why are you targeting me on purpose?"

Xia Zhengran started to cry, far away, no one knew if it was real or fake, but the movement was very real.

Xia Xi smiled and walked slowly towards Xia Zhengran.

Her smile is still so soft, but if you look closely, you can see the darkness and gloom rolling in her eyes.

Zhang Lili and the others, who were about to stop them, were taken aback, shivering and not daring to move.

"Hey, Xia Xi, you are a man, don't be as knowledgeable as a girl!"

Meng Zhaoyang couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly stood between the two of them. Xia Xi was already very close at this moment. Meng Chaoyang suddenly stepped in, with his back against Xia Zhengran, not far away from Xia Xi by 30 centimeters.

"Brother Chaoyang!"

Xia Zhengran was overjoyed, as expected, brother Chaoyang still liked her and protected her!

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows and looked at Meng Chaoyang.

What, is this person planning to protect Xia Zhengran? ?

It doesn't matter, she won't be afraid of another group!

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