"Xia Zhengran, she's a fart!!!"

Xia Wei roared wildly.

I've been telling him what Xia Zhengran Xia Zhengran is, Xia Zhengran is nothing! ! !

Daughter, how can I not be as good as my son! ! !

"Girls are all water poured out, leaving them for a fart! Why didn't I divorce that bitch Su Qing in the end!! Isn't it because she gave birth to a son!! Chen Yurong, let me tell you, I have the ability You can give me another son, otherwise, I, Xia Wei, will always have only one son, Xia Xi!!"

Xia Wei was trembling with anger, and when he thought that he had missed such an arrogant son, he felt extremely regretful! !

The elite class, even the fucking elite class is back! !

You know it's easy to come out of the elite class, but it's so hard to go back! ! !

Damn it, damn it! !

Chen Yurong bit her lips tightly, trying not to cry.

Xia Zhengran is nothing? ?

When she heard these words, her heart was already dead.

She also regrets it now, why wasn't the baby born a boy? !

Zhengran, Zhengran, no matter how smart and powerful you are, you can't compare to a man! ! !

Chen Yurong gritted her teeth, but now is not the time for her to be immersed in pessimism!

She has endured until now in order to become Mrs. Xia, and she cannot afford to fall short! !

Chen Yurong took a deep breath, suppressed the despair in his heart, and at the same time put away negative emotions such as anger, heartbreak, and jealousy.

She straightened her messy clothes, combed her messy hair, endured the pain in her cheek, and sat down slowly.

Xia Wei was still doing odd jobs like crazy, he looked like a lunatic.

Chen Yurong calmly withdrew his gaze and sat down dignifiedly.

She said lightly: "Eighteen years ago, I followed Viagra, and I said, no matter what, I will follow you. In this life, everything about me, including this life, belongs to Viagra."

The annoyed smasher was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Chen Yurong.

"Son, I can't give birth."

Chen Yurong's voice was a little sour. She knew that if she couldn't have a son, no one else could blame her!

If I could have had so many scruples when I was young, I wouldn't be like this now! !

"But Viagra's son will always be Viagra's son, and it will definitely be me, Chen Yurong's son!"

She raised her eyes abruptly, looking at Xia Wei firmly and fiercely.

"What do you want to say??"

Xia Wei frowned and looked at Chen Yurong.

"Viagra, when you signed the divorce agreement, I was there, and the police were there. We are all witnesses."


Xia Wei was a little confused.

"Xia Xi urges you to sign, plus there are policemen, you are afraid, so you sign without thinking. This is not signed by you personally, so it is invalid!"

Hearing this, Xia Wei smiled.

Yes, it is invalid!

"But why should I be afraid of the police??"

If you can't get over this hurdle, it's useless even if you go to court!

"Because I called someone to come to Su's to do odd jobs. You are afraid that if you don't sign, the police will take me away."


Xia Wei slapped his thigh violently!

"Yes, that's what I'm afraid of!"

Xia Wei became happy, and completely forgot to be angry. He threw away the things in his pocket and circled around excitedly.

"Let's think about it. The situation at the time, yes, that's right, so the divorce is invalid! Signatures that are not voluntary are invalid. As long as it can be proved that the word has no legal effect, the divorce agreement is equal to not being signed!"

Xia Wei became happy, feeling as if his son had returned to him!

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