The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 855 Now, Don't Think About It!

Our Xiaoxi is not a wimp, and our Xiaoxi is not a waste, our Xiaoxi is already a blockbuster if we don't cry! ! Frighten you old bastards to death! !

Su Qing feels refreshed, and feels comfortable all over!

"Xiaoxi, tell me, whatever you want, grandpa will promise you!"

Su Qingge is very happy now, and the source of this happiness all comes from Xia Xi.

"Grandpa, I want to visit the circle of celebrities in City S."

The happy old man paused for a moment, then turned to look at his grandson.

Thin and tall, although he is an ordinary figure among boys, he is definitely unique among girls!

The exquisite facial features are indistinguishable from male and female, combining all the strengths of Su Qing and Xia Wei.

Although Xia Wei was not very good, his skin was really good.

Su Qingge sighed with emotion, and continued to look at it.

His speech and demeanor are gentle and gentle, his Xiaoxi is no longer that cowardly coward, but has all the appearances that a noble son should have!

The celebrity circle in S City!

Su Qingge narrowed his eyes, bowed his head and thought about it.

There are only a few real celebrities in S City, but the circle is huge, including all those who want to curry favor with these celebrities!

Su Qing was a frequent visitor in this circle back then, but after the Su family fell, no one in the Su family could treat that circle anymore.

"Okay, wait for the winter vacation."

When Xiaoxi returns to the elite class, it's time to go back and meet those celebrities!

"Okay, grandpa, do I need to prepare anything?"

Su Qingge was stunned for a moment, had Xiaoxi already considered this?

"No, Grandpa prepared it for you. The celebrity circle in S City is not the same as others. The old and young people in it are all so wrong. By the way, you can practice musical instruments, especially ethnic musical instruments. "

tribal instrument? ?

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows. Now the only thing she can get out of is the violin, or she has been unwilling to relax, and the result of her hard work till now, is her grandfather asking her to practice folk musical instruments? ?

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and nodded.

Anyway, the winter vacation is over, and the filming is over, so there is plenty of time.

And I happen to have a lot of money in my hand, and I can buy good musical instruments.

"I know about my grandfather, then the parents will..."

"I'll go this time, I'll go!!"

Su Qingge stretched out his hand again and again, he let that girl Su Qing go last time, should he go this time too? ?

"But it's cold and slippery outside, and the snow hasn't melted yet..."

"It's okay, it's okay!"

It was so easy for Xia Xi to get a perfect score in the test, and Su Qing couldn't give this chance again.

"But... we don't need to go to the parent meeting of the elite class."

Xia Xi was a little worried. The aura of the parents there was different from that of ordinary people. Is it okay for grandpa to go? ?

"What are you worried about?? Those people are capitalists in front of outsiders. In front of me, Su Qingge, they have to bow their heads and call me teacher respectfully!!"

Su Qingge's face became majestic, and he snorted disdainfully, with the most arrogant arrogance on his face.

Xia Xi was also relieved, she smiled helplessly: "Grandpa, don't abuse them too much."

"Hmph, that depends on whether they treat us too much or not!"

Su Qingge slapped the table, it's not like before, now our little Xixiong is up! !

In the past, I was bullied by you, but now, don't even think about it! !


Xia Xi held back her laughter, but felt a burst of warmth in her heart.

In my previous life, I was an orphan all my life, and I envied people who have parents and family members. Now I have everything. When I really realized what I envied in my previous life, I realized that I am really happy to have relatives who love me.

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