This smile made Kitagawa Yuki dizzy.

My, my God, the cute girl is really cute, no, but she looks like the captain when she smiles! ! !

Stopped here, Kitagawa Yuki raised his hand and slapped himself!

The captain has been found, how can anyone be like the captain? ?

And there is only one captain! !

There will always be only one! ! !

Kitagawa Yuki, who reacted in time, looked at Xia Xi again, and his eyes met this fierce and gorgeous face, and the face that had just become serious became soft again.

It's over, what to do, besides the captain, this is the first person he can't resist! !

That smile is so cute! ! !

Let his subconscious heart beat faster! !

"Ah! It's Sister Sumi!!"

Lin Zhena was the first to spot her and ran over excitedly.

"This is our sister Sumi, she rarely comes here!"

Lin Zhena explained with a smile, and then said: "Sister Su Mi, this is our new security guard, and he is a foreigner!!!"

Xia Xi smiled and nodded, Kitagawa Yuki was definitely the first foreigner to come to China to work as a security guard! !

But, who cares!

Saying goodbye to Yuki Kitagawa with a troubled face, Xia Xi went directly to the second floor.

The three of them are going to Huayu today. Firstly, Huayu has a job there, and secondly, the boss there wants to see her.

But before going to Huayu, Chen Nan gave her two gifts.

"If it's flowers, I can help you dispose of them, but these gifts are too expensive, so I can only give them to you."

"Gift, who gave it to you??"

Xia Xi blinked and took it.

Two gifts, one is a bracelet and the other is a rose in solid gold.

My God, sending golden roses, is there a deep, earthy and luxurious smell in front of you? ?

Look at the signature again, it's Nan Guanlin.

Xia Xi squeezed her forehead depressedly. This person is really persistent. If her identity could not be revealed, she would have told Nan Guanlin herself that Xia Xi is Su Mi, and then looked at his shocked expression! !

He must feel sick, right? ?

Ha, it's funny to think about it.

Look at that bracelet again, it can be regarded as a small luxury, this one is not cheap, but the signature on it is: Huayu BOSS.

Given by Zhan Yu? ?

Xia Xi frowned, feeling unhappy again.

Tut tut, man!

While speaking, it was as sweet as honey, but when he turned around, he was still giving gifts to other women, and it was such an expensive bracelet! !

Xia Xi thought for a while, and put away the bracelet and the golden rose together.

"You, you just accept it??"

"Well, yes, isn't it for me??"

Chen Nan hesitated to speak.

In fact, she really wanted to ask, what should our young master do! ! !

But think about it, forget it, after all, the young master didn't give a gift! ! !

Hey, this has been compared! !

Young master, chasing girls can't just help, but also give gifts, you have to be aggressive, understand? ! !

Chen Nan suddenly had an idea, she suddenly wanted to teach the young master a love lesson, teaching him how to chase girls.

Otherwise, such a good girl would be cheaper than others!

"Sister Nan, when are we leaving?"

"Let's go, let's go!!"

Chen Nan hurriedly prepared the materials to be brought there, stepped on Lin Zhena and Tao Yue, and the four of them got in a cheap car and went straight to Huayu.

Nanny Che Su also has them, but they are usually not used if they don't attend large-scale events. Cough, after all, they don't have any big names.

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