The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 861 I don't want to hit women, except those who deserve it

Xia Xi turned around without looking back: "Sister Nan, let's go, if there is any problem, I will take care of the young master!"

Xia Xi's words are so bold, even Chen Nan thinks Su Mi is so cool, handsome and domineering!

But Xia Xi didn't say anything wrong, the young master was herself, would she still blame herself? ?

Of course it's impossible! !

"wait wait wait!!"

The front desk was in a hurry, and the whole person chased him out, his high heels were like sneakers, and he ran fast.

After the rattling sound, the front desk stopped Xia Xi at the door: "I'm sorry, Miss Sumi, we really didn't expect it to be you, you said you didn't say anything, do you think this is all a misunderstanding??"

"Speak? Did you give me a chance to speak?? I seem to just want to give the fans outside a cup of hot drink!"

"Give it here, give it here!!!"

Several girls poured hot tea immediately, and sent out cups eagerly.

"Come on, you're all cold, the sister inside treats you to a drink!!"

"Thank you guys!!"

The receptionists wanted to praise Xia Xi to the sky, because they just annoyed this one, and to offend this one would mean screwing up the cooperation with the boss, and they would pack up and leave because of this incident! !

Several fans were taken aback for a moment, then stretched their heads to glance inside.

The young lady inside the floor-to-ceiling glass is tall and beautiful, her dark eyes are clear, but her cute appearance reveals an indistinguishable handsomeness, and several fans blushed subconsciously.

"Thank you young lady!!!"

Although they knew that Xia Xi couldn't hear them, they still shook the hot tea in their hands, and some people gave her a slight nod.

Xia Xi waved her hand indifferently, and made a gesture of drinking tea, and the hearts of several fans suddenly warmed up.

"This sister is super nice!"

"Are you an artist too?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before, could it be Hua Yu's newcomer??"

"Didn't you just come here to attract fans? Hey, we are Rongfei's fans, so don't let him fall in love with you!"

"Okay, okay, come here soon, Ah Fei, it's so cold!"

A few fans continued to look at the door, but Xia Xi didn't care.

She didn't mean to grab fans, but seeing the fans who were shivering and supporting idols, she somehow thought of He Xiaolan and the others, so she wanted to give them a cup of hot drink.

In fact, it's not easy for fans, isn't it? ?

Therefore, no matter what others do, Xia Xi will never treat her fans badly.

"Well, Miss Sumi, all the hot drinks are divided, look..."

"Oh, then I can leave in peace."

Still go! ! !

The front desk is crying to death, what can I do! !

It's over, I completely annoyed Miss Sumi, this, this is dead! ! Losing Huayu's golden job, it would be a shame to find another job, because Huayu's benefits are really good! !

"I was wrong, we were really wrong..."

Xia Xi is very impatient, she hates guys who see people with colored glasses!

"Go away!"

Really annoying!

"Miss Sumi!"

"I don't want to hit a woman."

Except for those who deserve a beating!

The moment the gloomy gaze fell, the whole person at the front desk trembled.

Well, what a terrifying look! !

However, it also makes people feel a little handsome. When a woman is ruthless, it still makes people feel palpitating, and also makes people feel handsome! !

"Miss Sumi, please stay behind!"

A familiar voice came from behind, and the group of people who had already reached the door stopped and turned their heads slowly.

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