The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 868 Can't lose to outsiders

"It's good to go back. By the way, the movie that Huayu's newcomer made, I think you did a good job of publicity in the early stage. A report card has been widely hyped. The popularity of the movie is enough. How much did you spend?"

Zhan Yu froze for a moment, the report card? ? That's not what they did.

"It didn't cost a penny."

The old man's back was stunned for a moment: "It's on the trending search without spending a penny??"

How the hell did he occupy the first place? ?

In classical Chinese, Zhan Yu couldn't restrain himself, he hooked the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of praise for Xia Xi.

"Yes, it didn't cost me a cent."

"Heh, you young rookie, not bad, you have your own heat?"


Not only does it have its own heat, but it is also super high!

Huayu became a trending search without spending a dime, and Xiaoxi is simply a great tool to make money + save money! !

"Well, not bad, work hard."

With the approval of the old man, Zhan Yu left calmly.

The moment he stepped out of the house, Zhan Yu was a little anxious, he couldn't wait to go back to S City and see Xia Xi's smiling face! !

The school's parent meeting is carried out in an orderly manner.

Su Xiaopang is very proud today, because his grades have improved a lot. Like Lu Qingzheng and the others, he jumped from the bottom of the crane to the top of the class, and with this grade, he can already enter the key class.

Although they can't get into the top few of the key classes, the few at the end of the crane can still catch up!

For this reason, Su Tao was particularly excited.

"Mom, did you see it?? As long as I work hard, I can do it!"

Lu Mei glanced at the report card, and then at her son's shy little face, she reached out and gave her son a chestnut.

"You work hard?? If Xiaoxi didn't force you to study, you are still at the end of the crane. Let me tell you, go to Xiaoxi's house during the winter vacation, thank you very much!"

Su Xiaopang rubbed the bag on his head, and said depressedly: "Mom, am I your own?"

Are you so ruthless? It's all packed! !

"It's not my own, I killed you long ago!"

Su Xiaopang: ……………

Sure enough, it's not your own, right? ?

"How about it, do you want to transfer to the key class next semester??"

Lu Mei looked at the report card, and her son was considered to be in the middle of the school list. With this result, he could already enter the key class.


Su Xiaopang looked at Lu Qingzheng, their small team could enter the key class based on his and Lu Qingzheng's grades.

Lu Qingzheng also seemed to have sensed Su Xiaopang's gaze. He turned around and walked over, politely called Auntie, and then said: "Little Fatty, I don't want to go to the key class. My grades were brought up by Xidian. Without her, I would not have made progress, if Xidian was still in the key class, I would definitely go, but she is now in the elite class, so I don't want to go to the key class, after all, there is someone in it that I don't like."

Xia Zhengran was in that class, and she was the one who hacked Brother Crazy, and he would remember this grudge for a lifetime!

Su Xiaopang also nodded: "Okay, then I won't go either!"

Lu Qingzheng smiled. The paranoid kid back then has become a lot more easy-going now.

"I heard that Xidian is going to take the Imperial University exam. I don't know if I can pass the exam, but I want to study in the same city as Xidian. After the semester, we will work hard and go to the Imperial Capital too, okay?"

Su Xiaopang suddenly felt a little respect for Lu Qingzheng.

This kid is righteous enough to set his target at the imperial capital for Xia Xi's sake! It is also great!

Think about yourself again, as Xiaoxi's relative, you definitely can't lose to an outsider like Lu Qingzheng!

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