Xia Xi didn't know that she had such a strong influence on S Gao without going to school at all.

After all, students don't have to be present at the parent meeting of the elite class.

But Su Qingge arrived, today he deliberately wore a Chinese tunic suit, high-grade material, with a delicate and simple walking stick, and Uncle Zhong followed behind him, his face was also full of energy.

Seeing the old man, Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment. She had never seen this parent before, but he looked very distinguished, and he looked like a rich man.

Jiang Ning hurried up to meet him, smiled and said respectfully: "Excuse me, whose parent are you? I'm Jiang Ning, the head teacher of the elite class. I can take you to your seat."

Su Qingge glanced up at Jiang Ning, seeing her miniskirt and exposed big white legs, couldn't help frowning.

What does a teacher look like dressed like this! !

Simply unworthy of being a teacher.

"You don't need to get it!"

Su Qingge politely rejected Jiang Ning's kindness, which made Jiang Ning very embarrassed.

"Just tell me where Xia Xi is located!"

Xia Xi?

Is this man Xia Xi's grandfather? ?

Tsk, it turned out to be Xia Xi!

Jiang Ning rolled his eyes in disdain, and pointed to the back casually: "It's inside."

Find it yourself!

Jiang Ning's disdain made Su Qingge very angry. He is also a teacher, and Su Qingge has a lot of opinions on Jiang Ning.

"You are not worthy of being a teacher!"

Su Qingge had a serious face. He was originally a university teacher, and after more than 30 years of holding the coach, he has cultivated his temperament of daring to fight against the sky and the ground.

Therefore, he doesn't care about Jiang Ning's background and identity, and he will say anything if he does something wrong!

"Educate yourself first before you can be a teacher! Look at your clothes, you don't look like a teacher! Don't all the students come to school wearing such unsightly skirts like you? Decent!"

"Hey, you old man, what are you talking about!"

Jiang Ning was also angry, she obviously forgot that Su Qingge is a university professor, even if she knew she didn't care, a university professor is nothing! !

"Old man?"

Su Qingge couldn't help laughing, and snorted: "Ignorant! Even a babbling child can't call me old man, but respectfully call me grandpa! There is an old saying: Virtue is a model, skill is a teacher, you Not even a milk doll who just knows how to crawl, but he has the face to work in the key class of S high school??"

Jiang Ning was about to explode with anger. Although she was a high school teacher, she could understand that Zhu Zi meant to call her a fool! !

This old thing 1!


Jiang Ning was anxious and subconsciously wanted to argue, but who was Su Qingge? ? He gave her a chance back? ?

Think beautifully!

This person is so low-minded, Xiaoxi still doesn't know how to be bullied by this person, even if he is for Xiaoxi today, he has to teach her a lesson!

"Peaches and plums don't say anything, the next is self-made. I, Su Qingge, have been a teacher for more than 30 years, and I dare not forget the fundamentals of being a teacher every day. But you, I don't know if you still remember what a teacher's morality is! If not, then go back to school as soon as possible to start again." Learn it again, so as not to discredit the sacred profession of teachers!!"


Jiang Ning was so angry that he was half dead, this old bastard, he said a set of sour words, and he was scolding her inside and outside the words! !

After all, it's no wonder Xia Xi is so annoying, and these old things in their family are also very annoying!

Jiang Ning frowned, staring at Su Qingge, can't you bother?

Okay, then she won't move today, she will block the door, and resolutely don't let this old thing in!

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