Jiang Ning was desperate, she knew that she might have to leave S Gao!

She managed to get into the best institution of higher learning in S city, became the head teacher of the elite class with great difficulty, and was able to marry into a wealthy family and become a phoenix, but now all her hard work is gone! !

At the end of the parents' meeting, all the parents of the elite class, together with the principal Fang Yu, sent the old man out of the school. The grand occasion was like the mayor coming down to inspect the work.

Many students who left school also saw it, and many people talked about it.

"Oh my god, who is that old man? I feel so arrogant!"

"Yeah, even the headmaster is respectful. We used to be respectful to the headmaster, okay?"

"Didn't the provincial leaders come down?"

"How is it possible, the provincial leaders come down, why are the parents of the elite class receiving it?"

"Yes, then who is this person?"

"That's Xidian's grandfather!!"

In the crowd, the little fat man's eyes sparkled, and he almost laughed out loud in the crowd.

Absolutely, Grandpa Su actually came to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Xiaoxi? ?

Hahaha, you are so arrogant! !

"What?? Xia Xi's grandfather??"

"Isn't the Su family dying? Why is Grandpa Mao still highly sought after?"

Or the headmaster personally sent it! !

"Stupid! Our Su family thinks it was a big family in S city back then, the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse..."

Su Xiaopang still wanted to brag, so he was pushed aside: "Fuck, little fat man, get to the point!"

"Cough! The point is that Grandpa Su is a university professor, and many talented people in S City are his students!"

The mystery is revealed, and the facts are shocking enough!

Oh my god, Xiaoxi's grandfather is a university professor? Or the principal's teacher? !

"No wonder……"

"No wonder…………"

"No wonder………………"

The students couldn't help but sigh with emotion, staring at the seeing-off team, they saw that the team was getting bigger and bigger.

Because all the way out, many parents of key classes also recognized Su Qingge and squeezed over happily.

"Teacher, I wish you a long and healthy life!"

"Teacher, I wish you a long and boundless life!!"

These blessings are all from the heart, Su Qingge has worked hard for them, and they will repay them sincerely.

Su Qingge became more and more happy, standing in front of the car couldn't help turning his head, and said sincerely: "Students, I am no longer a teacher, and you are no longer students, but the foundation of educating people is also the standard of pedestrians, don't forget it! "

The eyes of the parents of the students turned red instantly, they surrounded the old man respectfully, each of them straightened their bodies, looked at Su Qingge respectfully, and then, as if they had agreed in advance, they all began to recite together.

"At the beginning of human beings, the nature is good. The nature is similar, but the habit is far away.

If you don't teach, your sex will change. The way of teaching is expensive.

Former Mengmu, choose a neighbor. If you don't learn, you will die.

Dou Yanshan has a righteous prescription. Teach five sons, all famous.

It is the fault of the father whether to raise or not to teach. If the teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy.

If you don't learn, it's not appropriate. If you don't learn when you are young, why should you be old?


The parents recited in unison, no matter whether they are rich or not, they looked serious and catchy.

Even Su Qingge couldn't help the redness in his eyes, and his heart throbbed, as if in a flash, he returned to the era when he was holding a whip to teach!

At that time, as long as it was a new student, he would not teach anything else, but let these children recite the Three Character Classic first!

Although it is only something that children learn, the truth is universal for a lifetime!

This is the foundation of being a person, being a son, being a teacher, and being a student! ! !

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