After hanging up the phone, Chen Yurong took a deep breath.

She quietly looked at the building in the distance, which was Su's office building.

A three-story building in the suburbs is very cheap no matter how you look at it. Compared with Xia's, it is like a sky and a ground.

So, such a Su family can beat himself? ?

"Is that right there?"

Several burly men glanced at the building. Among them was a man with broad shoulders and a muscular body. He was obviously not from Huaguo.

"Yes, remember, only make trouble, don't hurt people, and if you are caught, don't let me out."

"Don't worry, we do things, don't worry, we are all professionals!"

The leading man grinned grimly: "It's definitely more reliable than the gang of wretches you hired last time!"

Chen Yurong snorted coldly: "Those who are not yours, brother Qiong, what are you boasting?"

Liu Qiong frowned: "Those are just the bottom of the bottom, usually just used to guard the door!"

After finishing speaking, he twisted his neck and deliberately made a snapping sound, and the rest of the people also laughed and looked at Su Shi with vicious eyes.

"Now Sister Yurong doesn't believe us, let's go, brothers, show Sister Yurong the real difference between street gangsters and gangsters!"

Liu Qiong spat disdainfully, took the lead with a smirk, and walked out.

The rest of the people also laughed and followed, and the foreigner twisted his neck excitedly. When he followed, his eyes swept over Chen Yurong's tall chest with obscenity.

Chen Yurong frowned in disgust, in exchange for the foreigner's evil smile.


One sentence made Chen Yurong even more disgusted, this group of villains is simply extremely hateful, if it is not for the purpose of achieving her goal, she would not hire this group of people to do things!

Damn foreign devils!

At this time, the Su family was immersed in busy work.

The cooperation with Huayu gradually took off. Tao Yue and Lin Zhena were very busy, but fortunately, after Xia Xi personally taught them, both of them trained well, so Huayu's answer was very satisfactory.

Now, the two just got out of the car and walked into Huayu with tired faces. Just as they were about to go upstairs, there was a loud noise behind them.


The trash can flew in obliquely from the outside, smashed the glass door, and slammed into the hall with a bang. The garbage inside was scattered all over the place, and the stench immediately hit the face.


The beauty at the front desk was startled and screamed and crawled under the table. Tao Yue and Lin Zhena were also startled and turned around screaming.

A group of menacing men walked in from the outside, each with a ferocious expression and full of hostility.

Liu Qiong was chewing gum, her lazy eyes swept across the hall, and finally landed on Lin Zhena.

"Ha, isn't this the little sister who speaks for another world? Hey, come and talk to my brother, I'm so rare for a gorgeous female magician like you!"

The obscene tone and violent gaze made Lin Zhena tremble in fright, she struggled to stand up, how could she pass! !

"Ha, brother, I like that violent loli, she's cute, soft, and energetic!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of thugs laughed loudly, their eyes slashed fiercely at Tao Yue's thighs that were exposed because of the fall.


Tao Yue screamed, and immediately tore off the corner of her skirt. Upstairs, Xia Xi frowned when she heard the movement, and hurried out.

Grass, Kitagawa Yuki, why are you guarding the door!

Be careful I deduct your salary!

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