The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 907 You don't have the right to speak here, get out

Chen Yurong hurriedly pushed Xia Zhengran upstairs: "Go up and lock the door! Don't come out, do you hear me?"

"Mom, why..." Xia Zhengran looked puzzled, what happened?

"Go, why are there so many!! Anyway, don't come out, you know!"

"I know, I know..."

Although she didn't know what was going to happen, Xia Zhengran was frightened by Chen Yurong's anxious look. She obediently returned to the room and closed the door.

Downstairs, Xia Wei had walked into the living room angrily.


"Wei your mother!"

Xia Wei kicked Chen Yurong to the ground, turned around and overturned the coffee table.

The heavy table hit the floor with a loud bang.


Chen Yurong screamed hastily, but Xia Wei didn't seem to intend to let her go, grabbed her by the hair, pulled her up, and dragged her into the study.

"Show me clearly!"

Xia Wei left him by the computer. On the bright screen was the box office data of "To My Dear Brother" today.

A dazzling 60 million!

The string of zeros was like a string of ropes, falling down overwhelmingly, making it difficult for Chen Yurong to breathe!

"Sixty million!! The box office of this movie easily reached sixty million in less than 24 hours!!!"

Xia Wei was trembling with anger, and slapped Chen Yurong with his backhand.


Chen Yurong, who was slapped loudly, stared at him, showing how angry Xia Wei was! !

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to sign a divorce agreement with Su Qing. As long as Xiaoxi is still mine, Huayu won't be cheap!! Sixty million, the box office is sixty million in less than 24 hours. When the schedule comes, This box office will definitely not be less than one billion!!!”

Xia Wei screamed angrily!

"If the box office of one billion is divided, Huayu can earn at least 100 million! If it is not because of this, this 100 million is definitely Xia's!! It belongs to Lao Tzu!! How can it be cheaper now, Huayu, and outsiders!!!"

Xia Wei is going crazy!

When he thought of that 100 million flapping his wings and flying into Hua Yu's pocket, he went mad with jealousy!

That should be his money! !

Because Xia Xi is his son! !

It's his son! ! !

"Viagra, Viagra, listen to me..."

"Go to Nima!"

Xia Wei threw Chen Yurong away and smashed the vase on the desk.

He threw and smashed things at home angrily, wishing he could smash everything! ! !

The sound of ping-pong-pong was heard upstairs clearly, and it was also mixed with Chen Yurong's screams.

Xia Zhengran turned pale with fright, it was the first time she saw such a furious father! !


Chen Yurong's screams and crackling sounds came from downstairs, Xia Zhengran trembled with fright.

She opened a gap in fear and looked down secretly.

The living room was already a mess.

Chen Yurong didn't know where he hit, his forehead was bloodshot.

Seeing the shocking scene, Xia Zhengran's heart trembled and his heart beat faster.

She gritted her teeth, opened the door distressedly, and ran down.


The lifeless woman froze, subconsciously turned around, Xia Zhengran looked at her with tears in her eyes.

"You, why are you here?? Didn't I let you go up?!"

Xia Zhengran wiped away her tears, ignored her, and walked towards Xia Wei: "Dad, stop beating, okay?? Mom is working hard too, she's working hard..."

"Where do you have the right to speak, get out!"

Xia Wei was furious and couldn't help roaring.

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