Broken sleeves......

Zhan Yu couldn't tell what mood he was in.

There is a kind of terminally ill person who finally learned of his illness easily, but with the depression of not being able to live in this world.

He has been single for so many years, but he did not expect such a result in the end!

like men?

gay? ?

Broken sleeve? ?

Zhan Yu tried to put his liking on Ling Haotian, or on any man, but it didn't work, he felt disgusted, and he was so disgusted that he wanted to kill someone!

But not for Xia Xi, not only will he not feel disgusted, but he will look forward to it...

Zhan Yu rubbed his forehead, Xia Xi's face in his head sometimes smiled at him, sometimes scowled at him, his movements gradually became enchanting, slender fingers lightly brushed his cheeks, and finally, the pink fingertips stopped Between the legs, there, a bulging mass……………

Zhan Yu:! ! ! ! ! !

My thoughts stopped here for an instant!

Zhan Yu returned to reality with an ugly face.

He took a deep breath, lowered his head slowly in silence, and glanced at his thighs.

No, he still can't accept it! ! !

Face, no problem!

Body, no problem!

He can even accept the tip of the toenail, but he just can't accept that the structure there is exactly the same as his! ! !

How should this be done? ! !

After finally smoothing out his sexual orientation, Zhan Yu fell into another deep pit.

What to do, does this mean that his love for Xia Xi is not deep enough? ?

Isn't that what's written in the novel? ?

Loving someone not only accepts her soul, but also accepts her body, such as the one with the same structure...

Zhan Yu frowned, trying to accept...

No, I still feel like throwing up...

Otherwise, try something else? ?

Zhan Yu took a deep breath, his book list was full of novels, as for why it was novels, because some unsightly pictures could be skipped directly, but now it seems that for Xiao Xi, he might have to skip those Danmeiman or something, put the book list again.

The dark room gradually becomes clear as the sun rises.

Zhan Yu, who had been meditating all night, stepped out of the door energetically, and aimed his dark eyes at the young man who was doing warm-up exercises at the door, then walked straight over, bowed his head, and planted a kiss on the corner of her lips.

"Good morning, my little Xi."

Xia Xi hesitated for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at the room.

"Don't worry, the teacher is not here."

Shit, you also know that I'm looking at grandpa? ?

Xia Xi gritted her teeth, put her arms around someone's neck, dragged him out of the gate, and pressed him to the corner at the end of the alley.

"Zhan Yu, are you crazy? I'm a man!"

"I know."

"I know you're still close!!"

"I like you."

Xia Xi rolled her eyes: "I know, my family likes it, right?"

"I want to fuck you."

Xia Xi: ...

The alley was quiet, only the beancurd sellers were hawking along the street, yelling old phrases at the end of the alley.

So Zhan Yu is really gay! !

Xia Xi hugged her head, her first reaction was not that she was attracted by gays, but that the money from Zhanzheng might be wasted! !

No, no, no, this money must not be wasted! !

Sure enough, the Blood Jade Essence was right, he couldn't bear the child not being able to trap the wolf, and he couldn't bear the girl's disguise not being able to fight! !

In order to get back her part of the money, she gave up her life to accompany the gay man! !

Xia Xi clenched her claws, subconsciously raised her head, but was grabbed by Zhan Yu, and her cool lips pressed down!

Lying in a big trough, you are still kissing! ! !

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