The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 914 It's risky to flirt with girls, so be cautious

"Good disciple, good disciple!!"

He Zhen shouted excitedly: "Look, look, I, your master, have advanced too!! It's the third level, it's the third level!!"

Zhan Yu, who was drinking tofu nao at the roadside stall with Xia Xi, frowned, his face was slightly ugly from the boredom of being disturbed.

"Oh, Xiao Xixi, you're here too!"

He Zhen sat down very rudely, and stretched out his hand to greet the proprietress: "A bowl of tofu nao, I'm a vegetarian, no eggs, more coriander!"

"Old man."

Xia Xi smiled.

"Hey, don't call me old senior. We are all third-tier. According to our cultivation base, this old man is at best your senior brother. Come on, let me hear your voice~~~"

Because he was too excited to advance, He Zhen was unsteady and rippling.

It's a pity, what he's swaying is not the place, under Zhan Yu's nose, you and Xia Xi are swaying, aren't you courting death? ?

So, when the hot tofu nao was served, Zhan Yu added half a bowl of chili noodles and half a bottle of vinegar while He Zhen was looking back for his chopsticks, and took the time to stir it.

"Huh?? Why is my tofu brain so red??"

"Advanced, great day."

Zhan Yu rolled his eyelids indifferently.

He Zhen suddenly realized that it was so! !

"But why is there still a sour smell?? Could it be broken??"

Seeing He Zhen rolling his eyes, Zhan Yu snorted coldly, took advantage of the old man's inattention, and directly pushed him into the tofu brain: "Why are there so many, eat your tofu brain!"

He Zhen: ……………

So, now this is revenge? !

Definitely Chi Guoguo's ambition! !


He Zhen wiped off the chili noodles on his face in embarrassment, then turned his head and said, "Miss Boss, have another bowl of tofu nao."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and looked at Xia Xi with a smile: "Xiao Xixi, your herbal medicine is exhausted. I thought I would never be able to advance to the third level in my life. You are too powerful!"

He Zhen almost wanted to praise Xia Xi to the sky, but there was no way, Xiao Xixi was such an arrogant existence!


He Zhen raised his head and was about to speak when Zhan Yu stopped his chopsticks and said calmly, "There is something."


Xia Xi froze for a moment, then touched her cheek subconsciously.

"The corner of the mouth."

Before Xia Xi could react, Zhan Yu had already leaned over, brushed the corner of Xia Xi's tender lips with the tip of his tongue, and snatched away a small egg flower.

However, before Xia Xi could be shocked, He Zhen sprayed first.


Half of the tofu nao just poured out, and the small flowers on the side of the road were all wilted.

Fuck! what did he see ! !

This wave of dog food spilled! ! It's too foul, right? ?

He Zhen felt that as a single dog who had been single for more than 60 years, he had suffered 100 million points of damage! !

Fuck it, are you all acting like no one else? ! !

It's early in the morning, and it's still in a public place. Do you want to show your face! ! !

No, no, this is not the point, the point is, Zhan Yu even swallowed the frangipani from the corner of Xia Xi's mouth, and licked it away! !

This is so wrong! !

He Zhen's eyes, unabashed and extremely obscene, swept across the cheeks of these two people.


It's not the kind of relationship he thought, is it? ?

"I'm pursuing Xiaoxi."

Zhan Yu's answer was very calm, and he did not put much effort into it, with a bright and upright look, but He Zhen seemed to be doing something shady.

He Zhen: ...

Is it possible to be so aboveboard when it comes to foundations now? ! !

Who gave you the courage? ?

Liang Jingru? ?

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