The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 939 Extraordinary Rice Balls (10,000 book coins reward plus more)

Bean paste stuffing is the best stuffing for making glutinous rice balls. Xia Xi scanned around before she wanted to take it, but Lu Jialin snatched the stuffing in advance.

Xia Xi frowned, glanced back, Lu Jialin deliberately shook the stuffing, and smiled triumphantly: "It's such a good stuffing, it's a pity for beginners to use it!"

Xia Xi blinked her eyes, not paying attention.

She turned her head and continued to choose something else.

The program team prepared a lot of fillings, including other fillings.

But as long as she picked it, Lu Jialin would snatch it away without hesitation. After everyone had chosen the ingredients, all that was left for Xia Xi was a pot of glutinous rice flour and a few fruits.

Lu Jialin smiled proudly.

Want to get to know her better? ?

What do you know? ?

It's crazy that you can make it with such a little material! !

Lu Jialin stopped taking care of Xia Xi, bowed her head and started making glutinous rice balls.

Chongming looked at the materials of several people, and finally stopped in front of Xia Xi with the cameraman.

"Let's take a look, Xidian doesn't seem to have snatched anything good, neither black sesame stuffing nor red bean stuffing, only a bunch of fresh fruits, I said Xidian, do you want to wrap strawberries in it? ?”

As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Xia Xi doesn't even have any fillings here, so how do you make glutinous rice balls? ? ?

Chongming looked confused.

"Fruit can also be used as stuffing!"

Xia Xi smiled, she didn't think there was any difficulty.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do?"

Chongming got excited, the cameraman zoomed in and gave Xia Xi a close-up.

Xia Xi hurriedly washed the fruits, made them into jams, and boiled them in a pot. After a while, jams of various colors were lined up in a row.

"My God, amazing!"

Chongming was excited for a moment: "God, I thought we could only make glutinous rice balls without stuffing in Xidian, who knew that she could make jams of various flavors within a few minutes! Oh my god, who said The jam must be boiled!!!”

"Xi Dian, can I often jam?"

"I can't at the moment, but I want to make a kind of glutinous rice balls that no one has seen before!"

"Dumplings you've never seen before?"

The rest of the hosts were also attracted.

After all, I have never seen glutinous rice balls before, this theme is already very eye-catching!

When it was Lu Jialin, she couldn't help snorting.

Tangyuan you haven’t seen before? ?

Can it still be called glutinous rice balls? ? Besides, the glutinous rice balls that everyone eats on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, no matter how many lifetimes pass, aren't they still the same? ?

Is there anything I haven't seen? !

"Ah, I'm starting to look forward to it. Whether it's Sister Jialin, a veteran, who does it better, or Xidian's never-before-seen glutinous rice balls are better!"

The host sighed with emotion, making Lu Jialin's horsepower go all the way!

She decided to use all her skills over the years to make the most delicious glutinous rice balls in her life, and compare Xia Xi fiercely!

After all, this little rookie is so crazy!

You can't mess with her on the set, just crush her here! !

The entertainers worked hard to wrap glutinous rice balls, while the audience craned their necks to watch secretly.

"Xi Dian will make glutinous rice balls that we have never seen before!"

"My God, what kind of glutinous rice balls could it be?? I always feel that I have eaten glutinous rice balls for more than ten years, but I have never seen any difference!"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter whether you sell it or make it yourself, it seems to be the same!"

"Could it be that Xidian wants to make colorful glutinous rice balls??"

"That's why we made so many jams?? Haha, my Xi Palace is really extraordinary!"

"Hey, I suddenly started to look forward to it, what kind of glutinous rice balls will I make in Xidian!!"

"Curious too! Besides being curious, I also hope to have a taste of the glutinous rice balls made by Xi Dian himself!!"

PS: This chapter is dedicated to [Munian] children's shoes 10,000 book coins reward plus more~~~

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