The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 942: Paste your face with glutinous rice balls

"Mine are from red beans!"

"Mine are green beans!"

"Mine is black sesame!"

"Hey, Sister Jialin's craftsmanship is great, and the glutinous rice balls are super delicious!"

"As expected of a southerner, this dumpling is quite authentic!"

Facing the host's praise, Lu Jialin smiled triumphantly and said, "Of course, I have been doing it since I was a child. Is it better than some people who only learned it for three days? Although it looks very good, but the glutinous rice balls It is for eating, so we still have to pay attention to the taste!"

With that said, Lu Jialin looked at Xia Xi proudly: "Little brother, remember, when it comes to food, the taste is always more important than the appearance!"

"Why is this person like this? It seems that what she does is the best..."

In the audience, people couldn't help discussing.

"Yeah, Xia Ximing did it beautifully, but she didn't even have a good word to say, so she just said it must taste bad!"

"That's right, she hasn't eaten it yet, so how can she be sure it's not delicious?"

"This man is so annoying!"

Many people began to have opinions on Lu Jialin.

But Xia Xi was very calm.

Isn't it just trying to find fault with her? ?

This is not a problem at all!

Seeing that Lu Jialin was about to be overjoyed, Xia Xi nodded calmly and pertinently: "Yes, sister Jialin is right!"


Just now he acted provocatively, but now he pretends to be so obedient? ? Finding fault on purpose, right? ? ?

The anger in Lu Jialin's stomach was even stronger!

Is this how it feels to use all your strength to punch the cotton? ?

It's so pissing off! !

"Then let's try Xia Xi's glutinous rice balls too!"

The hosts picked up the guys one after another, and even Ling Haotian and Luo Ximing crowded over.

Although what Lu Jiali said made sense, but! !

Such a beautiful glutinous rice ball, at a glance, always makes people feel delicious!

Have a big appetite!

Luo Ximing narrowed his eyes, picked it up for a long time, picked up a piece of "strawberry", and looked at it carefully.

The shape is pinched very well, and the color of the melted juice makes the color of this strawberry glutinous rice ball almost exactly the same as that of real strawberries.

In addition, there is a layer of black sesame seeds sprinkled on the skin, just like the small seeds of strawberries, and a leaf base is made of dyed glutinous rice underneath, it can't be more like it!

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Xi, you majored in handicrafts at school, right?"

Does it look super like it!

It's almost hard to say anything!

After hesitating for a while, Luo Ximing still opened his mouth and swallowed it in small mouthfuls.

The entrance is the fragrance of strawberries!

The soft and glutinous skin is bitten, and the strawberry sauce inside rolls into the tongue, sweet and sour, full of strawberry flavor!

"Oh My God!"

Luo Ximing exclaimed: "It's delicious! There is an illusion that I'm really eating strawberries!! The taste is really similar!!"

It's full of strawberry flavor!

Hearing that, the people who were watching quickly swallowed the glutinous rice balls, and after that, their expressions became almost exactly the same.

His eyes are wide open, his face is full of surprises! !

"My God, it's delicious, it feels like I'm really eating fruit!"

"Wow, this mango flavor is super strong!"

"This apple is not bad, but it's a bit sour!"

"Hahaha, I'm so amazing, Xidian, it's nothing more than making the glutinous rice balls like fruit, even the taste is similar to fruit!"

"It's really good, little Xixi, you really only learned it for three days??"

Ling Haotian's words were slapped in the face at the right time, and everyone turned their heads to look at Lu Jialin.

Hey, it seems that someone said that she has been making this thing since she was a child, and she can do it with her eyes closed!

Hey, it seems that someone also said that glutinous rice balls are for eating, and the taste is more important than the appearance!

Hey, it seems that someone said that the glutinous rice balls she made are definitely the best!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

It's a slap in the face now, isn't it nice to use glutinous rice balls to call your face?

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