Because of doubts, Xia Xi tiptoed to the door of Grandpa's room, and subconsciously glanced inside.

Su Qingge was staring at the computer screen intently at the moment, and there was a video playing on it, which seemed to be the video of her on the program "Big Gods Match".

But after watching it for a few seconds, the video became the tidbits and trailer of "To My Dear Brother".

God, what exactly is grandpa looking at? ? ?

"Hahaha, yes, I also think Xidian is so handsome!"

Su Qingge laughed into the microphone.

"What?? I'm a grandpa?? There's no age difference between star chasing, and I like Xidian very much. Do you know that I wrote the calligraphy on the back of your support shirts!"

Until this moment, Xia Xi didn't know what grandpa was doing! !

He was actually chatting with his fans! ! !

Also talked about cheering shirts! !

Oh My God!

Xia Xi covered his face. He couldn't imagine what grandpa would write on the support shirt. It shouldn't be something like studying hard every day, right? ?

""To My Dear Brother"? I've watched it a long time ago! On the first day of its release, I bought tickets to watch it three times, and even called all my relatives and friends to let them all watch it!"

Su Qingge's expression was very excited, and Xia Xi was embarrassed for a moment.

Call again this time?

Grandpa, has the number of people calling you doubled this time? ?

Definitely double it! !

If I have such relatives, let alone hang up the phone, they will definitely be blocked, okay? !

Can't we keep a low profile? ?

"Fan activities?" Su Qingge thought for a while: "Of course, but I'm old and I can't walk. It's fine to meet and have a meal. I can't participate in other activities! Ask me why I like Xidian so much?? Naturally. It's because I saw her growing up from a young age!"

Clear laughter came from the earphones, everyone obviously didn't believe it, Su Qingge didn't explain, just kept laughing, but at this moment, Xia Xi couldn't help but turn red eyes.

Yeah, why is she so rare? ?

Because, you are my grandfather!

Xia Xi walked over, turned off the microphone first, and then took off the earphones: "Grandpa, it's too late, it's time to go to bed, didn't the doctor say you can't go to bed late?"

Su Qingge looked up, and seeing her, he couldn't help but excitedly said: "Xiaoxi, listen to what Grandpa told you! The number of members of our toner fan group has increased to more than 1,000! The QQ group has been upgraded to a top svip! Otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to accommodate so many people! These children really like the cheering shirts I made, and even sent me one, I’ll show you!”

Su Qingge took out the support shirt as if offering a treasure.

Simple style, the front is a Q-version portrait of the devil, and the back is a flamboyant brush character, which says exactly: Temple!

"So it's not like studying hard and making progress every day!"

Xia Xi was moved and smiled.

"Hey, you silly kid who doesn't understand fashion! How could you write that! Kids nowadays like this kind of tone, how about it, your grandfather will help you maintain your fans, okay?"

Su Qingge became proud.

"Okay, okay, grandpa, go to sleep!"

After helping the old man to lie down on the bed, Xia Xi turned and left.

Seeing that the aid shirt was lingering in her mind, what was even more lingering was the joyful and kind little face of grandpa.

Grandpa, I love you, good night!

Back in the room, Xia Xi took a deep breath.

The next few days should be very free, and work will usually wait until after school starts, which leaves enough time for her to manage Su's affairs.

I can help my mother share some work again.

At this time, because of the popularity of the movie, Li Jinian was really proud.

Director Li even felt that he had never been so happy as today! !

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