His ankles hurt slightly, and Yan Feng felt as if his scalp was going to explode.

Keep going, keep going! !

He is not a fool and has no interest in asking for trouble, humiliation and trouble!

All the candidates were in shock and did not notice the little action between Yan Tao and Yan Feng.

"This time, consider it your year-end assessment."

Master Yan said with a smile.

No, don’t!

I reject! !

Yan Feng screamed in his heart.

"As long as you can touch the corner of my clothes, you will pass."


The boss has already spoken, so what can he do?

Poor General Yan could only turn around silently and showed a bright smile to Yan Tao.

That smile is as bright as a sunflower.

Opposite, Lao Shui and the other four examiners were stunned for an instant.


The majestic examiner just now transformed into a domestic puppy in an instant.

Why, you ask?

Because, they vaguely saw the gleaming light on the examiner's body...

It's like he's become a completely different person.

While Yanfeng smiled flatteringly, he used his eye knife to blow hard at Song Lingfeng who was watching the show.

You didn't even remind him! !

asshole! !

Song Lingfeng touched her nose innocently.

In the next nine moves, Yan Feng used all his strength to try to catch Yan Tao.

However, Yan Tao's power level is one level higher than him.

This level is like a natural chasm, lying in front of Yanfeng.

Ten moves, passed in an instant.

The candidates turned around in confusion.

They didn't even catch the shadows of Yan Tao and Yan Feng just now. The two people moved too fast, too fast, and their level couldn't keep up with their speed.

"...Is this passed or not?"

"have no idea!"

"I think it should pass. Although the possibility is very low, it seems that Yiya has not been thrown out..."


A group of people could not see the situation on the battlefield at all. They could only look at the expressions of the two people and make reluctant guesses.

On the challenge field, Yan Tao held one hand behind his back, his peach blossom eyes raised with a half-smile, but the smile in his eyes was not very real.

Instead, it was three points sharp.

Song Lingfeng took a step forward: "Yiya, passed the selection exam."

"Does anyone else want to come up and challenge?"

There was silence among the candidates, and no one answered.

"Since there is none, you can set off."

Song Lingfeng's tone was clear and crisp: "Three, two, one!"

The candidates did not dare to delay, and each figure was faster than the other, crossing the square outside the square with a "swish".

Lao Shui and the other four examiners looked at each other. Adli took a step forward, raised his hands and said, "General Song, let's go and preside over the examination first."

"Go ahead."

Song Lingfeng smiled at them and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"This is our responsibility, there is no hard work."

The four of them exchanged pleasantries and left the square.

At this moment, only Yan Tao and Song Lingfeng were left in the huge venue.

Yan Feng's face was ashen and he stood stiffly on the spot.

Three seconds later, he suddenly jumped up and threw himself in front of Yan Tao.

Completely disregarding his image, he shamelessly hugged his Marshal's thigh: "Marshal! Marshal, I can do it all over again!!"

"Give me another chance!"

Yan Feng beat his chest inwardly: He is suffering.

If he fails the year-end assessment, his work this whole year has been in vain, and there is no chance of next year's vacation...

Woo woo woo...

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