This time the sonic attack was even more severe than the last attack.

In mid-air, butterflies were flying.

The dark eyes were emotionless and emotionless.

However, there was a faint smell of blood.

Its attack turned out to be an indiscriminate attack.

With the Marshal's Mansion as the center, the powerful sonic attack spread to the entire Canglan Main Star.

"Didi didi..."



The piercing alarm sound sounded throughout the entire Canglan Main Star.

Countless guard soldiers rushed out from everywhere.

Wave after wave stood on the street.

The upright military uniforms glowed with cold white patches in the sunlight, guarding the entire street.

"There is an enemy attack."

Ordinary people who couldn't bear it were attacked by sonic waves and vomited blood and fell on the street.

One after another, one after another.

The face of the guard captain who was responsible for guarding the safety of the city changed with surprise.

A series of orders continued to spit out from his mouth, and suddenly countless silver figures rushed to the street.

Extremely fast.

This seemingly panicked team was still mixed with a bit of calmness and coolness as they ran.

Waves of sonic attacks came.

It fell on the exquisite eaves, on the standing building, and on the aircraft parked in mid-air.

Where the sonic attack spreads, houses collapse and glass breaks.

The house that looked luxurious and elegant just a moment ago had been shattered into ruins by this sonic attack.

The crowd screamed.

The steps are chaotic.

Crowded and stampeded.

It's like the end of the world.

The guard captain's face was ashen. He could get the position of guard captain of the main city, so he was naturally a capable person.

However, due to his strong strength, Rao was attacked by the spreading sound waves, and the blood and energy in his chest began to churn faintly.

It's just the aftermath, but it's already so powerful.

The power at its center must be so strong.

I don’t know what happened.

"...Run quickly! Run quickly!!"



On the streets, screams of escape were heard from the crowd.

In panic, they had forgotten their reason and everything and rampaged through the streets.

The captain had a livid face and shouted in a cold voice, trying to calm down the panic.

However, it could only hold back the crowd for a while.

But there was a pause, and the next second, the crowd continued to run away.

While everyone was running away, a cold sound suddenly exploded in mid-air.

"Everyone, retreat a hundred miles away from here and go west."

The sound was so cold and biting that the people who were running away on the street were startled and all looked up.

Yan Rong, dressed in a silver military uniform, stood coldly in mid-air, followed by more than a dozen uniformed soldiers.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yan Rong's face remained cold and cold: "Why are you panicking? Do you think the marshal can't protect you?"

A cold and cold voice sounded.

The panicked people on the street seemed to have thought of something, and the nervous and frightened expressions on their faces actually faded a little.

His footsteps stayed on the spot.


They have marshals.

The marshal will protect them and protect them.

This is the Canglan galaxy.

What they stepped on was the land of Canglan.

They have patron saints and marshals.

Even if there is an enemy attack.

What do they have to be afraid of?

One sentence actually made the people who were running for their lives stand in place.

Yan Rong glanced at the guard captain opposite him coldly.

The captain immediately understood what he meant.

He bowed and saluted, and immediately ordered his guards to protect the people on the street and retreated back.

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