Xuan Ming's tone was rather gritty.

His talent was supposed to be infallible.

The only mistake in his life was made by Yan Tao.

That's why he followed this guy.

He just wanted to see how long this mistake could last.

Young Master Yan sat lazily on the chair, and she did not speak again.

It's just that those peach blossom eyes are as deep as the sea, faintly shining with an unpredictable light.

"You must have seen the video, right?"

Yan Tao asked again.

Xuan Ming raised his eyebrows carelessly: "That's right. I didn't expect Xiao Qi to have such a powerful attack power."

"What do you think...what happened to it?"

Yan Tao frowned slightly.

Countless questions lingered in her mind, but none of the mysteries could be answered.

"have no idea."

Xuan Ming's answer was crisp and clear.

He rubbed his chin and raised his eyebrows with a half-smile: "But, it was made by your Yan family."

No matter who it is, why it can control the attack methods of insect beasts is inseparable from the Yan family.

"Maybe..." Xuan Ming smiled: "Your Yan family is really collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country."

If this was true, it would be fun.

Yan Tao was too lazy to listen to Xuan Ming's nonsense anymore. He raised his hand and cut off the communication with Xuan Ming.

He turned around and walked out of the room, heading towards his bedroom.

I'm too tired today, let's take a nap first.

On the other side, Xuan Ming crossed his legs and put his hands on the back of his head.

He looked lazily at the night sky above his head, glittering with stars, and curled his lips carelessly.

The starlight shone scatteredly on Xuan Ming's body. The man's pale golden eyes, which were as warm as flames, were indifferent to the point of being heartless at the moment.

He crossed his legs and his right leg was dangling in the air.

That look couldn't be more leisurely.

Yan Tao

You didn't die the first time.

Someone takes care of you.

The second time, you still didn't die.

This third time...will you still be alive?

Xuan Ming's pale golden eyes shimmered with anticipation, his thin lips were slightly raised, and his face looked forward to watching a good show.

He just likes to join in the fun.

"It's lively and stuff... of course the bigger it is, the better it looks."

He murmured, his voice as bright as the sun, warm and pleasant.

Before he finished speaking, a low chuckle suddenly sounded from the side.

The voice was low and hoarse: "You have to experience it personally to feel more about the excitement."

The man's melodious words fell in this space.

Xuan Ming's face suddenly turned cold. Almost at the same time as the man's words came out, he had already supported the recliner under him with his right hand, flipped over in the air, and stood firmly on the ground.


Xuan Ming half-squinted his eyes.

He saw a figure slowly walking out of the darkness.

The man's slender figure was entirely shrouded in black robes.

His face was also covered by a mask, making it difficult to see clearly.

Only a pair of dark eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling were exposed.

It's clearly just a pair of eyes, but it seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

When it falls on someone, it will make people involuntarily feel like they have been seen through.

Xuan Ming pursed his lips slightly.

The vigilance in my heart rose together with the shock.

He is an S-class warrior.

Amazing perception.

And this person was able to approach him quietly and enter the room without being noticed by him at all.

If he had murderous intentions, I was afraid that he would have...

Xuan Ming clenched the hand hanging by his side silently, and spoke again: "Who are you?"

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