There was no rumor that Yuan Jing was a traitor, but he was Yan Tao's personal guard, so he could guess that something was wrong.

Therefore, when Yuan Jing was mentioned, the guards' expressions became a little unnatural, showing a faint look of disdain and anger.

Anyone who betrays their marshal should die!

Yan Tao's pair of dark peach blossom eyes remained unmoved.

Just the fingers stroking Chu Xue paused slightly.

After a moment, the boy smiled.

"Starting from today, reduce the amount of food provided to it by half. You will supervise its exercise every day and weigh it every three days."

ha? ! !

The guard was stunned.

exercise? !

Give this...beast some exercise?

Chuxue seemed to understand Yan Tao's words and let out a low roar in dissatisfaction.

Yan Tao pretended not to hear.

Three seconds later.

Chu Xue's roar became louder and louder, and Master Yan spoke slowly: "If it is, it can't be restored to its original state. Send this guy to the slaughterhouse, and stew a bowl of tiger whip soup for me."

"It just so happens that I have been feeling unwell recently and need to drink some tonic soup to recuperate."

The roar of the black tiger stopped immediately.

Its big head was tilted in the direction of Yan Tao, and its golden tiger eyes were supposed to be majestic, but at this moment they actually showed a little bit of grievance.

As if the big cat was acting coquettishly, its big paw patted Yan Tao's leg.

Master Yan gave her a smile back: "Whenever you can become your original self, I will give you meat again."

Chuxue roared again unhappily.

Master Yan once again pretended not to hear.

The big cat didn't get a response, so it could only lie down on the lawn again and look into the distance unhappily.

That back view... was very lonely and desolate.

The guards looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Yan Rong sighed sadly again.

His lord marshal would rather care about the weight of his pet than deal with the government affairs of the Canglan Galaxy.

Just when he was feeling helpless, Yan Tao, who was sitting on the lawn, suddenly stood up.

The young man raised his hand slightly, and a pair of peach blossom eyes looked past the Marshal's Mansion, as if he saw the boundless ruins above the main star.

"Let's go."

Master Yan's voice was so soft that it was almost ethereal.

Yan Rong was stunned for a moment: "Marshal, where are we going?"

"Go outside and have a look."

Yan Tao walked up to the outside of the Marshal's Mansion.

Yan Rong quickly followed up: "Marshal, do you want to tell me?"

"No need."

Yan Tao went straight onto an aircraft, followed closely by Yan Rong.

The silver-white aircraft was like a stream of light, leaping out of the Marshal's Mansion and suddenly disappearing into the sky.

Yan Tao held his forehead with his right hand, and his pair of shining peach blossom eyes fell on the ruins through the window in front of him.

This is her territory.

Yan Tao knew exactly what it looked like originally.

But at this moment...

Buildings that were once luxurious, simple, or exquisite were cut in half and collapsed directly to the ground.

The streets were filled with dust.

Under the dust, some of the ground even had deep cracks.

Yan Tao closed his eyes slightly.

The young man's hand hanging by his side held the chair tightly, his fingertips glowing slightly with a cold white color.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build.

What was destroyed yesterday was ten years of hard work by all of them.

Crowds of people were running around the chaotic streets from time to time, dragging all kinds of things out of collapsed buildings.

In such a chaotic scene, it is natural for someone to rob or steal.

Shouts, shouts, noises, and all kinds of sounds floated in the sky, reaching Yan Tao's ears from near or far.

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