The National Male God is Ruthless and Strong: Lord Qin, I Spoil You!

Chapter 1689 Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys

While Song Lingfeng and Yan Rong were talking, Xian Shaoqi and Xian Lu had already begun to bicker with each other.

There is something in the same words, the same criticism.

It's rare that he can disguise himself under Xian Lulu's nose for so many years. His rank is really not low.

It was a neck-and-neck fight with Xian Lu.

Both of them spoke with so much meaning that most of the people in the square had their ears buzzing.

Before they understood what the previous sentence meant, they had already finished talking for more than half and started moving on to the next topic.

Young Master Yan crossed his legs and raised his eyelids as he listened to these two people talking nonsense.

Suddenly he raised his leg and kicked his calf with his toes.

Master Yan warned impatiently: "There's so much nonsense."

Xian Shaoqi was mentioned in this way unexpectedly. He paused in his words and a smile appeared on his lips.

His face was full of illness, but he could not conceal his aristocratic character.

He raised his sleeves very gracefully and said loudly: "Grandpa, let's get to the point."

"You want evidence, I'm here to give you evidence."

It is rare that he has stayed in the Immortal Family for so many years.

He is obviously talented, but he pretends to be a playboy and indulges in drinking and sex all day long, just to collect evidence and one day be able to bring down Xian Lu.

He had already collected almost all the evidence, he just needed an opportunity.

Today is his best chance.

Rarely does he produce any evidence.

His speech was clear and concise, unlike the series of difficult and difficult words just now.

Everyone in the square understood it.

Xian Lu wanted to interrupt many times, but could not find any room to refute.

His face became darker and darker, and murderous intent surged in his heart.

damn it!

He should have killed this little beast long ago.

I thought it was a waste, but I didn't expect it...

He rarely stands on a high platform.

His voice was a little weak, but clear and clear, like the bright moon and spring breeze in the sky.

"...Grandpa, do you have anything else to say?"

After finishing speaking, he bowed slightly to Xian Lu, still humble and respectful.

Xian Lu's previously majestic and upright complexion now turned green and white.

His lips moved a few times, but in the end he couldn't utter a single word.

Behind Xian Lu, the nobles who were standing with him had already moved away.

Being in high positions, they understand the importance of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

After a moment of silence, the crowd in the square burst into applause.


Above the Star Network, there was the same shock and disbelief.

——I really can’t imagine that rare people can be so tolerant!

The ridiculous reputation of the young master of the Xian family for being a playboy has not only spread throughout the Canglan Galaxy, but also many people in the empire know about him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that everything was just a disguise.

Young Master Yan watched the whole scene with a smile on his face and raised his eyebrows casually.


"How should we deal with it according to the laws of the empire?"

Qi Buer said solemnly: "Exiled to the battlefield of Chenghua Star for 500 years."

"very good."

Yan Tao lazily supported his chin with his hand, narrowed his peach blossom eyes, and said with a clear and careless smile in his clear voice: "Then please, Mr. Xian, please pack your bags and leave the Canglan Galaxy immediately."

"Oh, right."

Yan Tao paused for a moment, seemed to have thought of something again, and added: "From today on, the Xian family will be expelled from the Canglan Galaxy."

"Everyone in the Xian family is not allowed to step into Canglan again."

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