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In the crew, the boys of the photography team pushed the heavy camera back and forth over and over again along the paved shooting track on the muddy road, just to capture a better picture effect.

The lighting team will constantly test the lighting effects before shooting, and change the headlights in the middle of the night to try to achieve better lighting effects.

When the props team prepared the helicopter needed for the shooting, they had to constantly check the safety of the plane, and they still stuck to their posts even in the middle of the night. Fall into it and become silent.

The masters of the clothing team spent hundreds of hours to create clothing, and each piece was sewed by hand, with countless stitches and threads.

In the art group, they opened tables and chairs for the 10-second shot. In order to be rigorous and rigorous in the picture, they used their most professional eyes to create a lifelike picture of the whole drama.

The staff of the make-up team must be on standby at the shooting scene regardless of the cold or heat, wind or snow, in case the actors need to touch up their makeup at any time, only to keep the actors in their best beauty at all times, so that they can present their best side to the audience.

The field crew is always the kind of coolie on the set, moving a box of equipment and props every day, leaving at the latest every day and arriving at the earliest every day.

They meet in a play, maybe they will separate after a play, but as long as there is still a need for the play, they will definitely be there. For the beauty under those lenses, they can start over and over again. No matter how bad the shooting conditions are, they must persist until the director calls the card. Many of them may never have the opportunity to experience the attention in front of the stage in their entire lives. But their seriousness needs to be seen, and their temperature needs to be embraced. "

Shu Cheng's article was instantly forwarded by countless people.

Touched many netizens.

[I have tears in my eyes, the writing is really good, and I pay tribute to those heroes who silently contributed behind the scenes. 】

[What impresses me the most about these people is their seriousness and focus. Even if they are not seen, they still insist on doing their own things well, and I appreciate this attitude. 】

[Long journey, please remember that someone is secretly protecting you. 】

[Conscience giant system! Looking forward to Shu Cheng's "Wu Wen Xi Dong". 】

[In a drama, there are many people who hide behind the scenes, and they only see their profession in unknown places. When these unknown people get together, the world will not be ignited. 】

[The dedication and hard work of everyone in the crew will result in a good film. Thanks to the boys for speaking out for these behind-the-scenes people. You are really a very positive idol. I really did not love the wrong person! 】

[As a crew cameraman who has been in the industry for ten years, I was really touched when I saw this article today, and wrote our hearts. Thanks! 】

[A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the accumulation of a little makes a great deal. The staff behind the scenes are the real heroes of this show. 】


This long article touched many behind-the-scenes workers.

They work tirelessly in their posts year after year. Few people tell their stories like Shu Cheng. They don’t need many people to know their contributions, but when their contributions are recognized, when all the silence The suffering is known, and this comfort is so gratifying.

In the WeChat group of "Wuwen Xidong".

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