The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1014 Handsome God (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Chen Wen looked at Shu Cheng, feeling a little strange, what happened today?

According to Shu Cheng's personality in the past, Chen Wen thought that Shu Cheng didn't need guidance, and she didn't need guidance directly, but now it seems that Shu Cheng has never been in contact with this project.

Chen Wen couldn't help but sweat. This project made her start to panic.

Shu Cheng stood next to the coach unhurriedly, watching the coach guide her movements with a somewhat flat gaze.

In the bullring, the atmosphere was very serious, everyone was very nervous, but only Shu Cheng seemed very relaxed.

But such an attitude seemed a little careless to the coach. He frowned and said to Shu Cheng, "Bullfighting is a very challenging event. The bulls in it are very ferocious. You must be vigilant."

Shu Cheng chewed the candy, nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then let's start again. Try it yourself." The coach threw the bullfighting cloth to Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng took it casually, stretched out his long arms, and made a few movements gracefully, without the slightest hesitation. The strength in her hand was just right, the bullfighting cloth in Shu Cheng's hand seemed to be enchanted, changing its position accurately.

Everyone present was stunned, even the coach found it unbelievable that he had demonstrated twice just now, yet Shu Cheng could do it in such a standard way. Although he was reluctant to admit it, the coach even felt that Shu Cheng just demonstrated Those few moves were even better than myself.

The coach even began to wonder if Shu Cheng had ever learned bullfighting.

Even laymen can see that Shu Cheng's movements are of a high standard.

Chen Wen looked at Shu Cheng in surprise, and asked full of surprise: "Wow! Shu Cheng, did you really just learn this? You must have been a bullfighter before!!"

Shu Cheng shrugged, still chewing the gum in his mouth handsomely, and said unhurriedly: "It's the first bullfight, but it's not difficult for me."

"Ah? Then why do you still need a coach to teach you?" Chen Wen looked at Shu Cheng with a strange face. Since Shu Cheng thinks bullfighting is not difficult, shouldn't he just go up, complete the task as soon as possible, and set off for the next step? A task point, wouldn't it be a waste of time to follow the coach to practice here now?

"Wait for the contestants in the back." Shu Cheng opened his thin lips lightly, and spoke lightly.

Chen Wen almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, not knowing whether to cry or laugh: "But, this is a competition."

"The editor also needs a little more material. It's too boring to pass it directly." Shu Cheng chewed his gum handsomely, and smiled wickedly. Shu Cheng's eyes as deep as a lake burst out with a confident light.

When Chen Wen heard what Shu Cheng said, she immediately petrified in place. Sure enough, people with strength are capricious.

In such a fierce game, he was able to stop and say that he would wait for the opponent behind him, and he also thought very intimately to give more material for post-editing.

Chen Wen shrugged her shoulders, but whoever said that Shu Cheng was a big boss, with his strength, he had nothing to say, so he could only stand on the spot like a dog.

Rolling her eyes, Chen Wen said, "Since that's the case, I'm waiting for the next contestants anyway, so you don't need to learn. Why don't you let me play with this bullfighting cloth, and I'll learn from it."

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