The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1017 IQ crushing (four more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

After another series of prefaces, the referee finally brought the topic to today’s game rules: “The first is ‘blindfolded dribbling’, a player blindfolded, dribbles the ball through obstacles and crosses the finish line under the command of his teammates Then it is passed. Then there is 'grabbing the ball'. After a player enters the encirclement, he grabs the ball from the player's feet and passes it to his teammate. It is considered a pass. Finally, there is a 'penalty kick'. One player kicks the ball at the corner point, and the other A player catches the ball from his teammates, kicks and shoots outside the penalty area, and scores five goals to pass. Note that the tasks are not in particular order, and players can choose any order. The time limit for each task is one Minutes, pass all three tasks, and you can get the next clue."

"Okay, the difficulty seems to be a little lower." Chen Wen said with a smile, her face full of excitement, she finally encountered a project that she didn't feel afraid after listening to the rules, and finally it was not so scary.

"You will direct the first event. I will kick it." Shu Cheng said calmly.

"Yeah, okay. I will definitely direct it well." Chen Wen promised excitedly.

The football landed at Shu Cheng's feet, and Shu Cheng scanned the obstacles on the ground with his eyes, and he already had a measure in his mind.

Then, Shu Cheng's eyes were covered.

"Okay, go forward, then you go to the right." Chen Wen analyzed the situation on the scene and shouted at Shu Cheng.

However, as soon as the words fell, just as Chen Wen was about to guide Shu Cheng's next move, she discovered that Shu Cheng could actually ignore any instructions and move forward without seeing anything.

"Ah? Shu Cheng. You can't see it, can you?" Looking at Shu Cheng's operation at the moment, Chen Wen was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped.

Didn't you agree to let yourself direct?

Why did Shu Cheng kick him directly?

Her movements are fast, and her feet are firmly controlling the football. Even if she is not blindfolded, she would not have such an operation.

The challenge item said one minute, but when Shu Cheng crossed the last obstacle, fifteen seconds had just passed.

As if Shu Cheng could see it, when he crossed the last obstacle, he took off the blindfold himself.

Without looking at where the football was on the ground, he stretched out his long legs casually, and hooked the ball to his feet again.

"Shu Cheng, did you really not see just now?" Chen Wen took the blindfold from Shu Cheng's hand in disbelief.

Putting it on her own eyes, at this moment, Chen Wen was able to confirm that Shu Cheng had indeed dribbled the ball to the finish line just now without seeing anything at all.

Chen Wen was amazed: "Then how did you do it just now? Your reaction is faster than mine. I didn't even have time to know whether it was left or right, and you have already moved the ball. And there is really no obstacle in the middle." Every time we meet, the angle and distance are just right.”

"Before blindfolding, I used my eyes to measure the distance." Shu Cheng said lightly, feeling as if nothing happened just now, with one hand in his pocket.

"..." Measured the distance? ! what? ! Are you really kidding me?

The corner of Chen Wen's mouth twitched. This explanation made her kneel down.

It was the first time she knew that the human eyes could calculate the distance so accurately.

If it was me, even if I really told her these distances, it would be impossible for her to dribble the ball to the finish line so accurately with her reaction and movement coordination ability.

Sure enough, people are still different!

People can crush you not only in terms of IQ, but also in all aspects of quality.

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