The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1023 Shu Cheng: What Are You Prepared For? (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The corner of Shen He's mouth twitched, and it was only then that he remembered that he specially sent a message to Shu Cheng last night to ask her to come to the studio.

Shen He turned his head, coughed a few times, relieved a bit of embarrassment, and then smiled at Shu Cheng: "OK, then let's get down to business."

Shu Cheng took a deep look at Shen He with his deep and dark eyes, then sat handsomely on the sofa and waited for Shen He to speak to him.

"Wu Wen Xi Dong will be released in three days. Tsinghua University's centennial celebration invites you to participate, and sent the invitation letter to our studio." Shen He raised the things in his hand and said.

"Moreover!! Some of us have the invitation letter too!" At this time, Zheng Yi leaned over and looked at Shu Cheng proudly with raised eyebrows.

Shu Cheng gave Zheng Yi a white look: "You guys are about to lower the quality of Tsinghua University's celebration guests."

Zheng Yi:……

Shen He: ...

Yu Zhou:? ? ?

"Oh, the few of us are successful people, so we must be raised!" Zheng Yi rolled his eyes and retorted.

"Go as you like, don't embarrass me when the time comes." Shu Cheng's thin lips parted lightly.

"One more thing. During the school celebration, the principal said that he wanted you to speak on stage to inspire the current students of Tsinghua University, and also click on the theme of "Wuwen Xidong" to give this party a sublimation." Shen Hebu Said unhurriedly.

Shu Cheng stroked his chin, nodded, "Got it."

A speech is not difficult for Shu Cheng at all.

"Then remember to prepare in advance." Shen He kindly reminded.

But in the next second, Shu Cheng's words made Shen He speechless, Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows confidently: "What is there to prepare for?"

Shen He: "..."

OK, Shen He admits from the bottom of his heart that he lost to this guy Shu Cheng, and he can't live without being narcissistic for a day.


And on this side, the director of the "Dear Challenge" crew looked at the samples passed by the film crew, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

According to this editing, the word-of-mouth of "The Extreme" will plummet this time, and things are proceeding in an orderly manner according to my expectations.

This show is challenged by couple groups, and many couples in the middle are constantly throwing dog food.

The director just grasped the characteristics that the audience likes to watch other people show their affection, and asked the guests to start showing their affection crazily while completing the task.

But the effect of the previous episodes was just the opposite. Many people felt that this reality show turned a challenge show into a dating show.

There is no lower limit for the guests to show their affection continuously, which sometimes makes the audience feel sick and uncomfortable.

The director went far beyond this level, and if he didn't grasp the scale well, it became counterproductive.

Compared with the same type of "Forge ahead", the scale is very well grasped, and the first issue has gained a good reputation from the audience as soon as it came out.

"Dear Challenge" looked jealously at the ratings of the program next door far surpassing its own.

All the director can think of is to create a plagiarized public opinion guide for "Extremely Fast".

As a result, one's own program will grab more audience resources.

The director can't wait for the day when he will see it live.

Just another week!

Just one more week!


The centennial celebration of Tsinghua University came as scheduled, and "Wuwen Xidong" was also released smoothly.

Every theater was sold out on opening night.

The students of Tsinghua University invited various celebrities in the society.

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