Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

After Liu Tinger returned home, she checked the information carefully, about the development of Hanfu before, and what people know about Hanfu now.

Finally, a promotional text was summarized.

Said it was a promotional copy, but Liu Tinger had never done it before. When sending it to Shu Cheng, she was still nervous and worried.

Shu Cheng's mailbox rang.

Received an email from Liu Tinger.

As soon as it was opened, the talent between the lines wandered between the black regular script, and Shu Cheng was amazed in an instant.

The mail reads——

[When you read "The glamor of the draped clothes, the Huaju of Eryao and Bi", "The descendants of the steps are in the palace of Yao. Suddenly they change their appearance, and they are as graceful as a dragon flying in the clouds." "Mandarin ducks show off what to throw Where, peacock Luoshan pays who?" You will be immersed in the brilliance and beauty of Hanfu, the beauty of Hanfu is breathtaking, and this aesthetic feeling has been passed down from the past to the future. The ancient curved skirt, the simple straight skirt, the delicate skirt, each style has been beautiful, romantic, and amazing for years.

"Historical Records" records that Chinese clothes were made by the Yellow Emperor: "Before the Yellow Emperor, there were no clothes and houses, and the Yellow Emperor built houses, made clothes, and conducted funerals, so that the people were spared the difficulty of life and death." Cultural inheritance is being done by people, and cultural treasures are waking up. , each of us should be more in awe and understanding of this.

The beauty of Hanfu is like the fragrance of wine, drunk for thousands of years. It is bright and gorgeous, and it is also quiet and peaceful. It used to be hidden in the years and kept quiet in the fleeting years.

In the millennium, lift the veil of the long years, would you like to join this competition of Hanfu, let the world see its youth. 】

Shu Cheng looked at this passage, attracted by its beautiful words, and was intoxicated by it.

She quickly typed a few words on the keyboard with her fingers, and sent an email to Liu Ting'er.

[Written very well. The writing skills are very strong. Then I will use this as publicity to promote the event. 】


In the group of rs studio.

Shu Cheng appeared leisurely.

[Shu Cheng: @all members. 】

【Shen He: This big night? ? ? ? You won't be assigning tasks again, will you? 】

[Shu Cheng: Nonsense. Otherwise, why call you. 】

【Zheng Yi: Inhuman...】

[Shu Cheng: @郑怡, you boy, you have become very angry with Shen He recently. 】

[Yu Zhou: Tell me, what is it. 】

[Shu Cheng: You all know that I am going to hold a Hanfu competition, right? 】

All members answered unanimously that they did not know.

The corner of Shu Cheng's mouth twitched, these people have been very wild recently, Shu Cheng rolled his eyes, and began to type a few words.

[Shu Cheng: This time is a very good-looking competition, if you don't participate, you will definitely regret it. 】

[Shen He: That's all right, all right, stop coercing and seducing, just talk about things directly. 】

[Shu Cheng: The competition is divided into two groups, one is Hanfu design, and the other is the most beautiful Hanfu goddess. I decided to allocate 500 million yuan to invest in this project. 】

Shen and Zheng Yi were immediately shocked. Sure enough, rich people are different. Just invest in a project worth 500 million yuan.

Simply jaw-dropping.

But thinking about it again, 500 million is nothing to Shu Cheng.

[Zheng Yi: There is no humanity! ! ! 】

[Shen He: @郑怡, if you dare to show me those Hanfu goddesses more, you can try it and see if I don't break your legs. 】

[Yu Zhou: Sure enough, when a man and a woman fall in love, there is domestic violence. 】

[Zheng Yi: @沉和, I am wronged, you are the only one in my eyes! ! 】

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