Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Then, why don't we go have dinner together later? Then I'll take you to visit our studio? I think I still have quite a lot of nice men's clothes over there." Yang Linglin took a deep breath, somewhat He asked nervously, as if a heart was about to jump out of his throat.

She felt that she really wanted to know more about the man in front of her.

Haven't waited for Zhang Qianbo to give an answer.

Yang Linglin heard a female voice behind her, the voice was beautiful and clear, and the other party yelled clearly: "Qianbo, I am here."

"Okay! I'm here." Zhang Qianbo looked past Yang Linglin, and then looked at Liu Ting'er, with boundless tenderness in his eyes.

Yang Linglin was stunned for a moment, and when she turned her head, she saw a woman in a blue chest-length skirt with delicate hair, looking in their direction with a gentle face.

She has a slim figure, fair skin, and a pretty face. The moment she waved her hand, she was so beautiful.

Yang Linglin instantly felt that this woman seemed to have walked out of a painting.

At the moment when Yang Linglin was in a daze, the other party had already walked over and stood beside Zhang Qianbo.

The two of them were very close. When Zhang Qianbo looked at each other, the love in his eyes couldn't be resisted at all, as if it would show infinitely inadvertently.

Zhang Qianbo glanced at Liu Ting'er, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Next time, don't run in such a hurry. It's not in a hurry. What if you fall down?"

"It's fine." Liu Ting'er said shyly, her face was full of happiness.

Yang Linglin stared blankly at everything in front of her, the sound of her beating heart receding inch by inch.

"Ah, by the way, I forgot to introduce you." Zhang Qianbo patted his head, then put his arms around Liu Tinger's shoulders, stood in front of Yang Linglin, and said with a smile.

"Linglin, this is the person I want to introduce to you who also loves Hanfu. I think the two of you will definitely have a lot to talk about." Zhang Qianbo introduced with a smile and enthusiasm.

"Ting'er, she is the publicity ambassador for the Hanfu competition selected by Shu Cheng this time. When I heard her chatting with Shu Cheng about Hanfu just now, there were almost no problems that could be difficult for her. She really understands it very well. I think the two of you I can communicate with each other more often." Zhang Qianbo touched Liu Tinger's head and spoke dotingly.

Liu Tinger's eyes radiated excitement. In fact, just now, she noticed the Hanfu on the girl in front of her. It was well-matched and dressed very carefully. It seemed that she had a deep understanding of Hanfu.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Liu Ting'er, and we can communicate frequently in the future." Liu Ting'er warmly extended her hand and greeted Yang Linglin.

Yang Linglin tried her best to make herself smile, and then resisted the depression in her heart, stretched out her hand, and gave Liu Ting'er a return grip.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." Yang Linglin said, with a forced smile on her lips.

It turned out that Zhang Qianbo had a girlfriend.

She still had so many thoughts just now, but that's right, she just met the other party, and she had so many emotions that shouldn't be there, it's too inappropriate.

She sighed quietly, hiding all these thoughts in her heart.

"Ah, by the way, I think I have forgotten to do some things, and I have to leave now." Yang Linglin said in a panic, not daring to stay for another minute.

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