Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Wow, this feels a bit exciting, I'm looking forward to it. 】

[I don’t know any subject matter, so why is it so exciting? Shu Cheng is crazy, right? Shu Cheng hasn't written a new book for a long time, isn't the outside world saying that he is exhausted? 】

[Upstairs, do you still have to question Anda's writing skills? ask me to say. It is another legend that has never been seen before or since. Ha ha ha ha. 】


Shu Cheng looked at the fans' comments dancing on the screen, and drew a few black lines on his face. These fans of his are really getting more and more skinny, and now they can actually turn against him? ? ?

But Shu Cheng rolled her eyes, she decided to start with the beginning.

As for the reason.

She willful.

Ten minutes later, Shu Cheng selected a passage from the book and posted it online.

[An Zhi Ruo Su v: [/document]]

The content of the document attached by Shu Cheng is an excerpt from "Gone with the Wind".

【"She raised her chin, and her pale green eyes, which were surrounded by dark circles, shone brightly in the moonlight. Ellen never told her that desire and fulfilling desire are two different things; life didn't give her that truth, That is, the quicker may not win. Lying in the silver moon shadow, her heart was full of inflated courage, and she secretly drew her own plan. It was a plan that a sixteen-year-old girl could draw, at that stage of her life. Time, life is wonderful, failure is impossible, beautiful dress and pretty face are weapons enough to conquer fate.”

"Sixteen-year-old love was frustrated and humiliated, and she was furious. But there was only a little real tenderness in her love, and most of it came from vanity and self-satisfaction with her charm."

"Because I am fighting for the old days, for the old way of life that I hold dearest, which, whatever fate may turn out to be, I fear is gone forever, and therefore, no matter the victory, No matter whether we lose or lose, we will also lose.”]

Shu Cheng actually chose a few paragraphs with her eyes closed. She has such confidence that even a few short paragraphs are enough to arouse the likes of her readers.

Sure enough, Shu Cheng had a good grasp of the psychology of these fans, and the comment section became lively again.

[Wow, that's too bad! ! ! It's really scary to throw bricks to attract jade. This method is really scary. Sure enough, Anda is Anda...]

[It doesn't matter, let's praise it first, I can't help it anymore after seeing these paragraphs. 】

[Anda is the best Anda in the world, handsome and suave, if Anda says that he is the second in writing, I don't think anyone would dare to say that he is the first. 】

[Sometimes I think it's really unfair to be naive. Like me, God closed a door and opened a window for me. And Anda's life is like being on the hook, it's just a 360° luxurious skylight, ah, ah, ah, how good can a person be? 】

[? ? ? Fuck, are you all so disrespectful? ? ? Anda casually posted a few words and you praised it? ? ? ? Well, I'll start too, Anda, you are the most, most, most handsome and talented man in the universe, the galaxy, and the solar system! ! ! ! 】

[I can't do it anymore, my mind is full of An Da's new book, is it really about love in troubled times? And the description of the heroine is so detailed, the kind that sounds beautiful, this wave of suffocating operations. 】

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