The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1067 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"The current quota has been determined." Shu Cheng glanced at Rong Junyi, shrugged and said.

Although for Rong Junyi, getting a program group is just a trivial matter with a flick of a finger.

However, Shu Cheng couldn't think of the reason why Rong Junyi wanted to participate in the show. He was usually so domineering and arrogant, and he didn't seem like someone who would be willing to show his face on the screen.

"The rules of the show can be changed." Rong Junyi said casually, parting his thin lips.

Shu Cheng really knew Rong Junyi the best, so he knew he would say that.

"Okay, then I want to know why you suddenly want to participate in the show?" Shu Cheng squinted at him, as if trying to see some clues from Rong Junyi.

Rong Junyi pondered for a while, then said unhurriedly: "I can't understand that you are in the same group as that Chen Wen."

"Pfft." Shu Cheng really loved Rong Junyi's jealous appearance at this moment, and she moved a little closer to Rong Junyi.

With lightning speed, he kissed Rong Junyi's face fiercely, put his hands on Rong Junyi's neck, and sprayed the warm breath on the other's deep face.

"A Xiaorong, but if you are jealous, you are jealous. Chen Wen is such a good girl, so it would be bad to just drive her out of the program group? Wouldn't it be too inhumane?" Shu Cheng thought seriously, although Chen Wen is A little timid, a little slow to react, a little stupid when doing tasks, but in fact, I can't find anything wrong with it, and just driving him away rashly like this is not very good for his acting and hosting career.

"Then I'll be a kicker. In short, I have to watch you do tasks under my nose. There were too many intimate actions in the previous show." Rong Junyi's face was gloomy, and he looked non-negotiable.

Shu Cheng spread his hands helplessly, but a gleam flashed in his eyes: "Hahaha, you still told me that you don't want to watch that show. Then how do you know that I have intimate actions with her?"

Rong Junyi's face darkened, his eyes fixed on Shu Cheng's body tightly, and there was a trace of unhappiness all over his body.

Shu Cheng looked at Rong Junyi's expression, and quickly laughed a few times: "Hey, man, but since you want to participate in the show, then go, I won't stop you, anyway, you know, I love you the most What I want to see the most is you."

Hearing what Shu Cheng said, Rong Junyi's expression finally softened a little.

"Then I'll let someone arrange it." Rong Junyi's deep voice floated in the air.

"Okay, okay, then you will take off with me in two days." Shu Cheng winked mischievously at Rong Junyi, with a hint of a smile on his red lips.


Sure enough, Rong Junyi's work efficiency is very high.

After about two hours, the wechat group of the "Extremely Fast" program group exploded.

[Latest notice: A new contestant will be ushered in in the next issue. The opponent has temporarily hidden his identity, and it will be announced at that time. 】

[Qiu Xinru: Wow! Mystery guest? How cool! ! ! And the other party is alone! ! ! Is that one man against all of us? If we win this, what's our face? Everyone must work hard. 】

[It is probably a very powerful person, who is it, I am so curious! 】

[Wow, this notification came too suddenly. So exciting. 】

[Hahahaha, I'm starting to look forward to the challenge of the program group more and more. 】

【so cool! Going on the show alone is very courageous. 】


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