Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Chen Wen tactfully stood aside and followed, she could already feel Rong Junyi's strong possessive desire for Shu Cheng.

During the period, Rong Junyi also thoughtfully tore a piece of candy for Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng opened his mouth, wanting to be fed by Rong Junyi himself.

Ah, this wave of dog food, when will it end.

The next task challenge is upgraded. In addition to overcoming the fear in the heart, it also requires a physical breakthrough.

Active information task - run ostrich, ostrich is a magical animal, it has wings but can't fly, it is huge but can run at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Only those who can control ostriches in Africa are real warriors.

Today's contestants, each group needs to send a player to ride an ostrich on a 40-meter-long track, and the player will be successful if they cross the finish line. Each team has four opportunities to challenge, and each challenge can change different players.

Shu Cheng read the rules of the competition, but still couldn't help complaining: "Such a simple task still needs four chances?"

Chen Wen remained silent at the side, she was used to Shu Cheng's confidence in the task.

Rong Junyi walked forward with steady steps.

"Have you ever ridden an ostrich before?" When they arrived at the competition venue, there were no other team members present. Chen Wen asked nervously, looking at the huge ostriches.

This ostrich is so big, and it looks very disobedient. If you ride on it casually, it is estimated that if the ostrich gets angry, it will shock you off.

If he was stepped on by an ostrich again, it would be over.

Chen Wen swallowed her saliva, every time the program group had such a perverted project, she would tremble with fear, but Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi looked at the ostrich with relaxed faces, and began to discuss the issue of their parents.

"A Xiaorong, I think that ostrich should be a female. I saw that her chest muscles are a bit bigger." Shu Cheng said nonsense seriously.

Rong Junyi pursed his thin lips and ignored the young man.

"However, I think which female, and the other female next to it, should be rivals in love. Then the male should be the culprit." Shu Cheng pointed to the ostriches in front of him, and analyzed them leisurely. Those with very firm eyes.

"Is it true?" Chen Wen looked at Shu Cheng with admiration, completely deceived by his serious appearance, and asked excitedly, never expecting that Shu Cheng could even figure out such a thing.

"Fake." With no expression on Shu Cheng's face, he turned his head and said calmly to Chen Wen.

Chen Wen: "..."

She felt that her life was too miserable, why was she being tricked by Shu Cheng again?

What about being gentle with girls?

Sure enough, having a daughter-in-law doesn't even care about the opposite sex.

"Ah Xiaorong, do you want to ride on it first?" Shu Cheng looked at Rong Junyi and asked lightly.

Rong Junyi nodded irresistibly, yes.

In fact, he planned to see which ostrich had a slightly more docile personality first, and let Shu Cheng ride that one later. Although he knew Shu Cheng's ability, he still hoped that during the mission, the danger to her would be minimized. to the minimum.

The coach stepped forward to teach Rong Junyi some correct postures for riding an ostrich, as well as some protective measures.

But such a stern and domineering person like Rong Junyi couldn't listen to this at all, he just walked forward on his own, ignoring the coach at all, and walked on the track handsomely and arrogantly.

His cold eyes swept across every ostrich present.

Finally, he pointed to the outermost ostrich, and then he stepped forward, stretched out his chic long arms, and pulled out the most ferocious ostrich.

Then, he rode on it casually, the ostrich was still struggling, but Rong Junyi didn't pay attention to it at all, and firmly controlled it with his hands, leaving no room for it to resist.

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