Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The scorching sun of more than 40 degrees at noon still couldn't resist the flow of love between them.

Shu Cheng felt that every cell in his body was trembling.

I don't know how long it took, but the two finally got out of the inseparable kiss.

Chen Wen blushed while watching from the sidelines, she was so handsome, as if watching a TV series, the two people's peerless looks made people unable to take their eyes off their eyes.

At this moment, Chen Wen felt that it was not a single dog's crit, but a mouthful of sweet dog food.

Ahhhhhhhhh, like the kiss just now, it's really enjoyable to watch, don't stop.

Chen Wen yelled in her heart.

On the contrary, Shu Cheng stopped his expression for a second. Although he could faintly see a smile in her eyes, Shu Cheng still tried his best to maintain his handsome image, and said to Chen Wen coldly: "Let's go, let's ride an ostrich instead."

"Wait." Rong Junyi took Shu Cheng's hand and spoke heavily.

"Ah Xiaorong, I know you haven't kissed to your heart's content, but this is a competition. Let's talk about it when we get home." Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows at Rong Junyi wantonly.

"Just wait and ride that one." Rong Junyi stretched out his slender hand and pointed to a slightly docile ostrich in front of him.

Shu Cheng nodded, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the daughter-in-law to ride that one by herself?

So, when Shu Cheng walked in front of the group of ostriches, his eyes looked around, and finally fell on the male ostrich. The arrogant posture of the ostrich with its neck upturned deeply touched Shu Cheng's heart. She liked this kind of ostrich. The ostrich with personality, in the end, she easily brought the ostrich out.

After touching the bird's back, he jumped onto the ostrich's back.

Shu Cheng, who was watching by Rong Junyi, chose the male ostrich, which was the most ferocious except for the one he just rode. This child is so disobedient now.

Rong Junyi frowned slightly, but it was too late to stop Shu Cheng, she crossed the starting point with the ostrich, and rushed forward.

There was a proud smile on Shu Cheng's face. Sitting on the back of the ostrich, the young man seemed to feel that he was being watched by thousands of people. Sitting high, he felt the speed of the ostrich. His short black hair fluttered a few times with the wind. Down.

Shu Cheng also wanted to follow Rong Junyi's example and turn around to look at everyone.

However, in the next second, Shu Cheng suddenly felt that the ostrich, who was very obedient just now, seemed to be angry all of a sudden, and began to sprint forward frantically.

Shu Cheng used all the techniques in his mind to tame the ostrich, but all of them were to no avail.

If you continue to run forward, you will see a fence full of thorns and debris surrounded by the zoo in front of you. If you get there and sink yourself, it will be over.

Rong Junyi was the first to see that the ostrich was out of control, his whole heart was clenched together, he frowned and looked at Shu Cheng nervously, the blood all over his body was flowing backwards.

He jumped forward and rode another ostrich to chase, hoping to save Shu Cheng before she was in danger.

As for Shu Cheng, at such a critical moment, his brain was running rapidly.

She knew that if she was too nervous now, there would be only one dead end, and only by calming down and analyzing the situation would she have a chance to get out of danger.

At this time, the opportunity came. There was a low dead tree in front of it. As long as the ostrich passed by that place and reacted in time, it could grab the trunk, hang on the branch first, and escape.

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